johndbritton / teleport

Virtual KVM for macOS
GNU General Public License v2.0
791 stars 132 forks source link

Configure option not functioning (OS X 10.10.2 (14C109)) #3

Closed kwolk closed 3 years ago

kwolk commented 9 years ago

Selecting the Configure option will do nothing. Is it meant to be a pop-up pane?

aheritier commented 9 years ago

I have a similar problem since several weeks. I upgraded to 1.2 but the problem is always here. I have 2 computers. One is using 10.10.2 and the other 10.10.3 dev preview. From 10.10.3 I can configure options to access to 10.10.2 and the remote access works. On 10.10.2 I don't have the button to configure the options to access to my 10.10.3 computer and the access doesn't work. I don't know how I could help you @abyssoft to solve this issue.

aheritier commented 9 years ago

I don't know if these logs could be related to our issue

3/16/15 9:38:22.790 AM teleport[1500]: ImageIO: CGImageDestinationFinalize image destination must have at least one image
3/16/15 9:38:22.790 AM teleport[1500]: CGImageDestinationFinalize failed for output type 'public.tiff'
3/16/15 9:38:22.790 AM teleport[1500]: *** -[__NSPlaceholderDictionary initWithObjects:forKeys:count:]: attempt to insert nil object from objects[1]
3/16/15 9:38:22.791 AM teleport[1500]: (
    0   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff9289a66c __exceptionPreprocess + 172
    1   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x00007fff9915b76e objc_exception_throw + 43
    2   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff92787a4f -[__NSPlaceholderDictionary initWithObjects:forKeys:count:] + 383
    3   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff9279d6cb +[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:forKeys:count:] + 59
    4   teleport                            0x0000000108307029 teleport + 208937
    5   teleport                            0x00000001082eb241 teleport + 94785
    6   teleport                            0x00000001082f42ea teleport + 131818
    7   teleport                            0x0000000108305e09 teleport + 204297
    8   teleport                            0x00000001082e1783 teleport + 55171
    9   teleport                            0x00000001082e6958 teleport + 76120
    10  teleport                            0x0000000108304b97 teleport + 199575
    11  teleport                            0x00000001082e258d teleport + 58765
    12  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff927f73d7 __CFSocketPerformV0 + 887
    13  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff927b8681 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 17
    14  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff927aa80d __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 269
    15  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff927a9e3f __CFRunLoopRun + 927
    16  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff927a9858 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296
    17  HIToolbox                           0x00007fff9b54caef RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235
    18  HIToolbox                           0x00007fff9b54c86a ReceiveNextEventCommon + 431
    19  HIToolbox                           0x00007fff9b54c6ab _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71
    20  AppKit                              0x00007fff96f3ff81 _DPSNextEvent + 964
    21  AppKit                              0x00007fff96f3f730 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 194
    22  AppKit                              0x00007fff96f33593 -[NSApplication run] + 594
    23  AppKit                              0x00007fff96f1ea14 NSApplicationMain + 1832
    24  libdyld.dylib                       0x00007fff8de9f5c9 start + 1
    25  ???                                 0x0000000000000001 0x0 + 1
zacbir commented 9 years ago

I had to quite teleport and relaunch on one of my machines to get the configuration window to appear.

kwolk commented 9 years ago

Yes, I find that you have to:

  1. Quit Teleport
  2. Quit System Preferences
  3. Relaunch Finder
  4. Start Teleport from System Preferences

Then you can access the Setting pane, it's a hassle, but it's the way.

abyssoft commented 9 years ago

teleport no longer lives in System Preferences though, it seems like you're launching the previous version. To access the prefs with teleport 1.2, you have to select Configure in the teleport menu in the menubar.

aheritier commented 9 years ago

@abyssoft On my side I manually removed the previous version from preferences. I rebooted and installed 1.2. After opening the configuration screen I don't have the options button on the other computer thumbnail

LaurentFough commented 9 years ago

Ditto here. I’ve completed removed all preferences related to the previous 1.1.x version.


Teleport launches as expected, sees the other machines— though no config options available.

I’ll compile it locally and see if there’s any difference.

LaurentFough commented 9 years ago


Will need to debug some more.

johndbritton commented 3 years ago

The latest release v1.2.2 is working on macOS Big Sur. Give it a try, if you have any problems please open an issue with full steps to reproduce.