johndbritton / teleport

Virtual KVM for macOS
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Disable Default Cursor Position #33

Open alexgjohnson opened 7 years ago

alexgjohnson commented 7 years ago

@patelnav has a similar Pull request: cursor position on full-screen video on the controlled Mac. In iTunes this is exactly where the close "x" is.

The Terminal commands to change the preference were posted on the abyssoft forums but @abyssoft hasn't kept the site and I didn't get round to PDFing the instructions. Can anyone post the Terminal commands to change the default behavior please? This means the cursor stays at the edge of the screen when dragged to move control back to he controlling Mac, which should not invoke any on-screen playback controls.

Many thanks.

As a request, if that could be a GUI preference in teleport itself that would be great.

tomads commented 7 years ago
• hideControlBezel (now has UI in 1.0): write YES to avoid showing the bezel on the master mac when controlling another computer (default is NO).
• visibleBorders: write YES to show the hot borders as blue, instead of being invisible (default is NO).
• switchDelay (now has UI in pr4): write the number of seconds you want teleport to wait before switching (default is 0.5).
• autocheckVersion (now has UI in pr3.7): write NO if you don't want teleport to automatically check the latest version when it's launched (default is YES).
• bonjourDomain (new in pr3.6): specify a bonjour domain for publishing/browsing teleport service (default is "local.").
• commandPort (new in pr3.7): specify a port for commands used by teleport (default is 44176).
• transferPort (new in pr3.7): specify a port for transfers used by teleport (default is 44177).
• hotBorderActivationDelay (new in pr4): specify the time until the border becomes hot again, when a switch just occured (default is 0.5).
• syncFindPasteboard (new in pr4): sync the find pasteboard additionally to the general pasteboard, to synchronize the search string between your Macs (default is NO).
• trustLocalCertificate (new in pr4): write NO if you don't want to automatically trust hosts having the same certificate as your local Mac (default is YES).
• enableLogging (new in pr4): write YES if you want to see some logs, useful to help me debug stuff (default is NO).
• showSwitchAnimation (new in 1.0): write NO if you don't want the little animation that appears when switching (default is YES).
• doubleTapInterval (new in 1.0): write the number of seconds you want between the 2 taps (default is 0.5).
• showTextualStatus (new in 1.0): write NO if you don't want textual information next to the teleport icon in the menubar (default is YES).
• disconnectOnNetworkConfigChange (new in 1.1): write NO if you don't want teleport to disconnect when it senses some changes in the network configuration (default is YES).
• wrapOnStopControl (new in 1.1): write NO if you don't want to reset the cursor position to the top left when stopping the control (default is YES).
• switchSoundPath (new in 1.1): write the path to a sound file to overload the default one.
• appIdentifiersDisablingTeleport (new in 1.1): write an array of application identifiers from which teleport will not work when one of the app is frontmost.
• syncModifiers (new in 1.1.1): write NO if you don't want the modifiers to be synced with the remote host, eg to not require pressing alt to get back to the main Mac while you require it to start controlling.

To activate them, type in the Terminal: defaults write com.abyssoft.teleport where is one of the above mentioned preferences, and is YES or NO or some other string. You have to deactivate and reactivate teleport for the change to be effective. To switch only after 2 seconds, for example: defaults write com.abyssoft.teleport switchDelay 2

alexgjohnson commented 7 years ago

Cheers @tomads : exactly what I was after. Thank you.

marcpbailey commented 2 years ago

FYI there are at least a few more corresponding to the UI settings panel, all binary: allowControl sharePasteboard copyFiles syncLockStatus autocheckVersion enableEncryption playSwitchSound

There's also "trustRequestBehavior" (note misspelling is as implemented, not my typo) which can be set to: 0 - Ask 1 - Reject 2 - Accept