johndpope / MegaPortrait-hack

Using Claude Opus to reverse engineer code from MegaPortraits: One-shot Megapixel Neural Head Avatars
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DRAFT - training overhaul - wip #21

Closed johndpope closed 3 weeks ago

johndpope commented 4 weeks ago

contrastive loss is blowing up.

johndpope commented 3 weeks ago

@kwentar / @jackailab / @Jie-zju / @robinchm / @flyingshan

code is SLOWLY training on my local 3090 gpu - 512x512 - i didn't test inference yet. Screenshot from 2024-05-30 12-23-22

to run training with 256x256 - i had ripped out the avgpool - or maybe a cleaner way....


dont really want to burn out my gpu - but there's a hq torrent which we could use to train in the cloud.

UPDATE - i think it just blew up using too much vram. going to set the save interval to 100 (the paper uses 200,000)