johndpope / MegaPortrait-hack

Using Claude Opus to reverse engineer code from MegaPortraits: One-shot Megapixel Neural Head Avatars
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Current results of training - epoch 4 #36

Open johndpope opened 3 weeks ago

johndpope commented 3 weeks ago

i used another of the videos as driving - and it's (almost) obviously not rotating the head past the point where the original movie went - see below.

Screenshot from 2024-06-04 22-45-21

cross_reenacted_image_57 cross_reenacted_image_57

pred_frame_191 pred_frame_191

tomorrow i plug in bigger dataset.


when I normalize the images - i end up with this - looks bad - I add some code in to un-normalize - happy with current results....


fyi - this is the frames dump out from mp4 - head cropped / maybe some warping. Screenshot from 2024-06-04 23-11-08

johndpope commented 2 weeks ago

try new main code - Jay @hazard-10 spotted an error with cosface in training - and claude fixed it. thats on top of these fixes.

the discriminator i've drafted code to take it to multiscale patch gan. maybe also boost image quality...

the leakage - im seeing with my overfitted videos. i think the es is source of problems. when I worked on Emote paper -

UPDATE - from re-reading above - i understand adding more losses - maybe counterproductive. that said - - i put DPE losses from VASA paper into training code. it doesn't seem to be hurting.

johndpope commented 2 days ago

Dear CommitCrew -

I bring you a cleaner / faster / smarter way to disentangle images using 3x resnet50 backbones. i just start training 5 minutes ago - so far.... not converging.

JZArray commented 1 day ago

@Kwentar @flyingshan how are your progresses now?

johndpope commented 1 day ago

had incorrectly configured to overfit - updated now