johnduhart / POGOProtos-dotnet

Pokémon Go ProtoBufs compiled for .NET
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Error running build.ps1 #3

Closed rodrigo-m-lopez closed 8 years ago

rodrigo-m-lopez commented 8 years ago

Hi John,

I'm having some troubles to execute the script for building the files, heres my output:

PS C:\Users\Rodrigo\Source\Repos\POGOProtos-dotnet> .\build.ps1
Preparing to run build script...
Running build script...
Analyzing build script...
Processing build script...
Compiling build script...
Cake.exe : Error: The target 'Default' was not found.
No linha:1 caractere:1
+ & "C:\Users\Rodrigo\Source\Repos\POGOProtos-dotnet\tools\Cake\Cake.ex ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (Error: The targ... was not found.:String) [], RemoteException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError

Any ideas?

Best Regards,


johnduhart commented 8 years ago

Ah, I haven't defined a default target. run ./build.ps1 -Target Build, or if you just want the generated protobuf classes run ./build.ps1 -Target Protos

rodrigo-m-lopez commented 8 years ago

Thanks bro! Worked just fine