johnduhart / POGOProtos-dotnet

Pokémon Go ProtoBufs compiled for .NET
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Problem with SetFavoritePokemonMessage #4

Closed BornSupercharged closed 8 years ago

BornSupercharged commented 8 years ago

This works fine: message {{ "pokemonId": "123", "nickname": "My_Pinsir" }} Google.Protobuf.IMessage {POGOProtos.Networking.Requests.Messages.NicknamePokemonMessage}

But this does not: message {{ "pokemonId": "123", "isFavorite": true }} Google.Protobuf.IMessage {POGOProtos.Networking.Requests.Messages.SetFavoritePokemonMessage}

It always sends back: parsedPayload {{ "result": "ERROR_POKEMON_NOT_FOUND" }} POGOProtos.Networking.Responses.SetFavoritePokemonResponse

johnduhart commented 8 years ago

You're probably better off asking on the main proto project, it might be an issue with the definitions.

BornSupercharged commented 8 years ago

Thanks, I've fixed it and submitted a PR