johndwells / Minimee

Minimize & combine your CSS and JS files. Minify your HTML. Because size (still) DOES matter.
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Cache Folder missing? (v2 beta) #3

Closed Natetronn closed 12 years ago

Natetronn commented 12 years ago

Hey John,

I'm getting an error in Template Debugging saying that I'm missing my cache folder which isn't the case. I am using the config method with the extension turned off via EE Master Config from Focuslab and have replace the various values accordingly.

     * The base path of your local source assets.
     * Defaults to site's FCPATH
    'base_path'         =>  $base_path,

     * The base URL of your local source assets.
     * Defaults to $EE->config->item('base_url')
    'base_url'          =>  $base_url,

     * An optional unique 'cachebusting' string to force Minimee to generate a new cache whenever updated.
    'cachebust'         => '1.0.0',

     * The path to the cache folder.
     * Defaults to site's FCPATH + '/cache'
    'cache_path'        =>  $base_path . '/cache',

     * The URL to the cache folder.
     * Defaults to $EE->config->item('base_url') + '/cache'
    'cache_url'         =>  $base_url . '/cache',

This is on a local machine with an alias of

If I remove $base_path from $base_path . '/cache', I get just /cache in the error as expected.

Pretty darn sure everything is correctly setup though, as you can see from the error below Minimee is adding an extra base path

Minimee [ERROR]: Not configured correctly: your cache folderC:/wamp/www/myfolder/public_html/C:/wamp/www/myfolder/public_html/cachedoes not exist.

johndwells commented 12 years ago

Hi Nathan,

Ah, yes Minimee is definitely at fault here - I've attempted to determine if a path is relative or absolute, but forgot to take into account Windows path formats. So I'm simply looking for a forward slash at the first position in the path string, and if not found, appending it to the $base_path setup as if it were relative.

I'll hope to push up a fix asap. Thanks for helping test v2!

Cheers, John

On 22 April 2012 01:47, Nathan Doyle <


Hey John,

I'm getting an error in Template Debugging saying that I'm missing my cache folder which isn't the case. I am using the config method with the extension turned off via EE Master Config from Focuslab and have replace the various values accordingly.

    * The base path of your local source assets.
    * Defaults to site's FCPATH
   'base_path'         =>  $base_path,

    * The base URL of your local source assets.
    * Defaults to $EE->config->item('base_url')
   'base_url'          =>      $base_url,

    * An optional unique 'cachebusting' string to force Minimee to
generate a new cache whenever updated.
   'cachebust'         => '1.0.0',

    * The path to the cache folder.
    * Defaults to site's FCPATH + '/cache'
   'cache_path'        =>      $base_path . '/cache',

    * The URL to the cache folder.
    * Defaults to $EE->config->item('base_url') + '/cache'
   'cache_url'         =>      $base_url . '/cache',```

This is on a local machine with an alias of

If I remove $base_path from $base_path . '/cahce', I get just /cache in
the error as expected.

Pretty darn sure everything is correctly setup though, as you can see from
the error below Minimee is adding an extra base path

```Minimee [ERROR]: Not configured correctly: your cache folder
does not exist.```

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Pura Vida John D Wells

johndwells commented 12 years ago


I've just pushed up a commit that might resolve this. I've altered the test so that it first checks if the cache path as provided exists, and if not, then appends to base path and checks again.

It would be great if you could give this a shake and let me know if it solves your issue.

Thanks! John

johndwells commented 12 years ago

Hi Nathan,

Out of curiosity have you had a chance to test the latest version to see if this issue is resolved?

Cheers, John

Natetronn commented 12 years ago

Hi John,

Thanks for the quick update!

I think everything is working proper now :)

johndwells commented 12 years ago

Thanks man for confirming the fix. I think this brings me pretty close to releasing - before I get other wild ideas of features to add in....

Cheers, John