johnfercher / maroto

A maroto way to create PDFs. Maroto is inspired in Bootstrap and uses gofpdf. Fast and simple.
MIT License
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A word on protection #429

Open lordofscripts opened 2 weeks ago

lordofscripts commented 2 weeks ago

For those using the protection feature of Maroto, you may soon find out that when you open a protected PDF document, the document title, subject and other meta-properties are garbled!

It is not a Maroto issue! It is a go-pdf/Fpdf bug I reported recently. The underlying provider (FPDF) decrypts the document content but does not decrypt the encrypted meta properties.

As I stated, I ran into that while trying to use FPDF (Go version) and reported it. Unfortunately, nobody seems to be maintaining the FPDF Go library.

So, it's not a Maroto bug but an FPDF bug. Just in case you decide to use document protection.

kishaningithub commented 2 weeks ago

@lordofscripts Does this active fork of fpdf solve the above issue?

Have just opened an issue #431 for the transition

lordofscripts commented 1 week ago

@lordofscripts Does this active fork of fpdf solve the above issue?

Have just opened an issue #431 for the transition

It doesn't solve it. Recently I reported (see their Issue #72 SetKeywords) that while using the latest version from 8 months ago. They have made no new release so I was still using v0.9.