johnfernow / personal-website

My personal website
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Add projects page #8

Closed johnfernow closed 4 years ago

johnfernow commented 4 years ago

Maybe have at the top the names of all of the projects, and by clicking on the name or picture, it takes you to it on the page (id tags).

Can include Media Controls for All, Measles Mania (with link to play the game), etc. Will want to make sure to update this page as I finish more projects. I can also likely include projects that I contributed to, even if they're not open source, by using pictures/videos, as long as I obtain permission. Examples being MyDenison, Lila, etc.

I could also likely clean up the Arduino project and include it. I believe I still have a video and pictures.

johnfernow commented 4 years ago

Here's a good website for inspiration. It shows each project and includes a brief description, and when hovering over it it prompts you to click it to view a more detailed page on it. Below each image of a project, I may want to list the language, frameworks, and a brief description of what it is.

johnfernow commented 4 years ago

Here's another implementation to consider. However, a language filter is probably overkill for right now, and also, I think it can lead to people not seeing some really neat projects. No one is going to filter by AHK, but that doesn't mean that you can't learn universal skills from using it and create interesting applications.

johnfernow commented 4 years ago

Unlike some of the implementations, I believe I should stick to one photo, but perhaps have an icon for GitHub, an icon for the website (or just say website), and an icon for YouTube, where I have a video of an announcement of the application (if I create one for each of these projects). Some other sites have more simplistic designs, which might not be bad for faster loading, but I really want people to check out the pages on these, and an image may help with that.