johnfraserss / ICS4U

ICS4U Course for John Fraser SS
MIT License
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New Notes/Examples #23

Open mrseidel opened 4 years ago

mrseidel commented 4 years ago

I'm looking to diversify my notes and examples to include other programming languages that sometimes pop up in this class (and some future planning).

If you feel you can contribute to creating notes and examples for the following programming languages, create a pull request:

Need some basic examples of the concepts below for the languages as well (including ones that are already on the site.

err53 commented 4 years ago

I can take a crack at making some notes for Go Gonna drop this since I haven't gotten around to it in literally years, someone else can take this if they want

davidli3100 commented 4 years ago

Working on examples for Rust and Ruby

err53 commented 4 years ago

Working on examples for Rust and Ruby

Feel free to ping me if you need some help with Rust

davidli3100 commented 3 years ago

Call dibs on php

mrseidel commented 3 years ago

Need some basic examples of the concepts below for the languages as well (including for the languages that are already covered on the site): sorting, searching and recursion. I've updated the main issue with this information as well.

davidli3100 commented 3 years ago

I'll write some up during orientation tomorrow

davidli3100 commented 3 years ago

Any preferences on the type of sorting/searching?

mrseidel commented 3 years ago

@davidli3100 Just some basic O(n^2) sorting algorithms (bubble, selection, insertion, etc.)

For searching, I typically do linear and binary.

davidli3100 commented 3 years ago

@mrseidel do you want an explicit example for recursion? Binary search is pretty much recursion anyways

mrseidel commented 3 years ago

@davidli3100 Yes. I typically do factorial or Fibonacci for my basic examples of recursion.

davidli3100 commented 3 years ago

Added Javascript (ES6) examples in #24

Added Java, Python, and C++ in #25

Multivalence commented 3 years ago

Are you specifically looking for Sorting, Searching, and Recursion only, or are you looking for all of them (e.g. Objects)?

mrseidel commented 3 years ago

@Multivalence for the ones that don't have a Sorting/Searching/Recursion breakdown (i.e. Rust, PHP, etc.), I'd be looking for all the notes. If you are interested, you can include whichever ones you want. Attempt to follow a similar to format that is already on the site.

Multivalence commented 3 years ago

Added Swift Objects #28 Updated and added Python Examples #29

faizaan3424 commented 1 year ago

dart/flutter stuff is all mine :)

faizaan3424 commented 1 year ago

Added recursion example for now with memoization

AritroSaha10 commented 1 year ago

Working on all examples for Go in #36