johngarchie / xmas-icetube

Alternative Ice Tube Clock firmware and hardware revision
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avrdude: ERROR: address 0x4010 out of range at line 1025 of icetube_flash.hex #8

Closed 88gts closed 3 years ago

88gts commented 3 years ago

I'm trying to compile fw simply for the drift correction, i am not having much luck.

With compiled firmware...

c:\WinAVR-20100110\bin>avrdude -c usbasp -p m168 -U flash:w:icetube_flash.hex

avrdude: warning: cannot set sck period. please check for usbasp firmware update
avrdude: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions

Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.08s

avrdude: Device signature = 0x1e9406
avrdude: NOTE: FLASH memory has been specified, an erase cycle will be performed

         To disable this feature, specify the -D option.
avrdude: erasing chip
avrdude: warning: cannot set sck period. please check for usbasp firmware update
avrdude: reading input file "icetube_flash.hex"
avrdude: input file icetube_flash.hex auto detected as Intel Hex
avrdude: ERROR: address 0x4010 out of range at line 1025 of icetube_flash.hex
avrdude: write to file 'icetube_flash.hex' failed

avrdude: safemode: Fuses OK

avrdude done.  Thank you.

With working firmware...

c:\WinAVR-20100110\bin>avrdude -c usbasp -p m168 -U flash:w:iv.hex

avrdude: warning: cannot set sck period. please check for usbasp firmware update
avrdude: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions

Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.08s

avrdude: Device signature = 0x1e9406
avrdude: NOTE: FLASH memory has been specified, an erase cycle will be performed

         To disable this feature, specify the -D option.
avrdude: erasing chip
avrdude: warning: cannot set sck period. please check for usbasp firmware update
avrdude: reading input file "iv.hex"
avrdude: input file iv.hex auto detected as Intel Hex
avrdude: writing flash (11142 bytes):

Writing | ################################################## | 100% 3.81s


#ifndef CONFIG_H
#define CONFIG_H

// The xmas-icetube revision of the Ice Tube Clock requires a few
// firmware modifications.  The XMAS_DESIGN macro below enables these
// modifications, but breaks compatibility with the Adafruit Ice Tube
// Clock v1.1.
// When configuring this firmware for use with the xmas-icetube
// revision, the configuration macros for the following features
// should also be enabled:  the automatic dimmer hack, the software
// temperature compensated timekeeping, and the IV-18 to-spec hack.
// #define XMAS_DESIGN

// By default, the xmas-icetube firmware uses a unique button scheme
// where there is one button mapped to each basic function:
//   enter/exit menu:  menu button
//   next:             plus button
//   select/set:       set button
// With the Adafruit button scheme, the buttons used for the first two
// functions depend on context:
//   enter/exit menu:  menu button when time is displayed,
//                     plus button when a menu label is displayed,
//                     menu button when a setting value is displayed
//   next:             menu button when a menu label is displayed,
//                     plus button when a setting value is displayed
//   select/set:       set button
// In addition to being simpler, the xmas button scheme works more
// intuitively with the xmas nested configuration menus.  Even so, some
// users still prefer the Adafruit scheme, typically for reasons of
// familiarity.  The following macro enables the Adafruit button scheme.

// After sleeping for ten minutes, system voltage should fall to whatever
// the battery is providing.  After that time, the microcontroller will
// check the system voltage.  If system voltage is below the following
// threshold, the clock will display a low battery warning ("bad batt")
// upon waking.
#define LOW_BATTERY_VOLTAGE 2600  // millivolts

// Defining the following macro enables support for Automatic dimming.
// This hack also allows for the clock display to be disabled at night
// (when dark).
// In the Adafruit Ice Tube Clock v1.1, this feature requires a
// pull-up resister to be installed in R4 and a CdS photoresistor to
// be installed in CT1.  CT1 is the two expansion pins nestled among
// L1, R4, and SPK.  I suggest using a 5.6k pull-up resistor with an
// Advanced Photonix Inc PDV-P8001 photoresistor.  Note that
// photoresistors purchased from Adafruit should behave like the
// PDV-P8001 and are acceptable substitutes.
// The automatic dimmer hack is discussed extensively on the
// Adafruit Clocks forum:

// Defining the GPS_TIMEKEEPING macro below enables GPS detection on
// the ATmega's RX pin.  The connection speed is 9600 baud by default
// for compatibility with the Adafruit Ultimate GPS Module.  For more
// information, visit the following pages:
// In most cases, the clock should report an error if the GPS loses
// its fix.  But users with no GPS reception might want to disable the
// "gps lost" error message.  Those users will instead move their
// clocks to an area of good reception whenever they wish to
// syncronize the clock time with the GPS time.  To disable the GPS
// lost error message, comment out the GPS_LOST_ERROR_MSG macro below.

// The USART baud rate defined below is used for both the debugging
// output and GPS timekeeping.
//#define USART_BAUDRATE 9600

// The following macro enables support for an external 32.768 kHz
// clock source such as a Maxim DS32kHz.  This hack is discussed in
// detail on the Adafruit Clocks forum:

// This hack requires attaching a DS18B20 OneWire temperature sensor
// to ATmega328p PC1 pin, but unfortunately the internal temperature
// of the clock is above the ambient temperature.  As a result, this
// modification is not useful for displaying room temperature.
// This modification is, however, useful for temperature compensated
// timekeeping, and was primarily intended for the xmas-icetube
// hardware revision.  The DS32kHz, described in the previous section,
// is a simpler solution for the Adafruit Ice Tube Clock v1.1, but the
// DS18B20 will also work in the Adafruit design.   The DS18B20 should be
// installed in parasitic mode by grounding both the VDD and GND leads.
// The DQ lead should be connected to the PC1 pin on the ATmega328p and
// to PC5 via a 4.7k pull-up resistor.
// The XTAL_TURNOVER_TEMP macro specifies the temperature at which the
// crystal oscillates at maximum frequency in units of deg C / 16.
// The XTAL_FREQUENCY_COEF macro specifies the parabolic temperature
// dependence of the crystal in units -ppb / (deg C)^2.  For a
// turnover temperature of 25 deg C and a frequency coefficient of
// -0.034 ppm / (deg C)^2, XTAL_TURNOVER_TEMP should be defined as 400
// (25 * 16), and XTAL_FREQUENCY_COEF should be defined as 34
// (-0.034 * -1000).
// The technique for software temperature compensation is described in
// the following thread:
// WARNING:  If your clock is modified for the original extended
// battery hack, which shorts the ATmega328P PC1 pin to ground,
// enabling the macros below might damage your clock!  The original
// extended battery hack is described in the following thread:
// #define XTAL_TURNOVER_TEMP  400  // deg C / 16
// #define XTAL_FREQUENCY_COEF 34   // -ppb / (deg C)^2

// If BDAY_ALARM_MONTH and BDAY_ALARM_DAY are defined, the alarm
// sound on that day will always be "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow,"
// regardless of the alarm sound set in the menus.
// #define BDAY_ALARM_MONTH 5
// #define BDAY_ALARM_DAY   1

// VFD displays lose brightness as they age, but increasing the
// grid/segment voltage can extend the useful life.  This voltage
// is controlled by the OCR0A register, and OCR0A is set by
//   OCR0A = OCR0A_MIN + OCR0A_SCALE * brightness
// where brightness is 0-10 as set through the configuration menu.
// The grid/segment voltage can be roughly estimated by
//   voltage = OCR0A / 4 + 6
// The IV-18 display has an absolute maximum grid/segment voltage of
// 70 volts, but on the Adafruit Ice Tube Clock, a Zener diode prevents
// this from exceeding 60 volts.  And the clock's fuse might blow before
// that point, so the hardware will ensure that the grid/segment voltage
// maximum is never exceeded.
// For a dim display, I suggest setting OCR0A_MIN to 30 and OCR0A_SCALE
// to 14.  If the fuse blows or becomes warm during operation, reduce
// OCR0A_SCALE or install a higher power fuse.
#define OCR0A_MIN   20
#define OCR0A_SCALE 11
#define OCR0A_MAX OCR0A_MIN + 10 * OCR0A_SCALE

// The following multiplexing options define how the display should be
// multiplexed.
// Digit multiplexing displays each digit in rapid succession.
// Although this is the standard way to do multiplexing, there might
// be slight ghosting, especially of decimals at higher boost voltage.
// I recommend digit multiplexing for use with the Adafruit Ice Tube
// Clock v1.1, without the to-spec hack.
// Subdigit multiplexing is similar to digit multiplexing, but
// displays each digit twice--once showing only segments B, C, and H
// (those lit when displaying "1.") and once showing only the other
// segments.  This method eliminates ghosting, but reduces overall
// brightness.
// I recommend subdigit multiplexing for use with the to-spec hack and
// the xmas-icetube hardware revision.  The reduction in overall
// brightness is a benefit here, as the minimum brightness attainable
// with PWM brightness control and digit multiplexing is a bit too
// bright.  And the maximum brightness with plain PWM and digit
// multiplexing is unnecessarally bright.
// Segment multiplexing displays each segment (on all digits where
// that segment is displayed) in rapid succession.  This method
// eliminates ghosting, and the maximum brightness is similar to that
// with digit multiplexing.  But the per-digit brightness adjustment
// is not available when using this method.
// I do not recommend segment multiplexing, but left the feature in
// the code in case anyone wants to play with it.  The problem with
// segment multiplexing is that resistance through the MAX6921
// limits current on each segment, so if one segment is displayed on
// many digits, that segment will be dimmer than if one segment is
// displayed on only a few digits.  Also, more current will flow
// through segments with the least resistance (at the right of the
// display), so those digits appear slightly brighter.

// The Adafruit Ice Tube Clock v1.1 does not drive the IV-18 VFD tube
// to specifications, but with some rewiring and additional circuitry,
// enabling the following macros will drive the IV-18 tube as
// intended.  The following thread on the Adafruit Clocks forum
// describes the required hardware modifications for this hack:
// #define VFD_TO_SPEC

// These options should only be used with the to-spec hack above.
// With the to-spec hack, brightness may be controlled with boost
// voltage, pulse width modulation (PWM), or both.  I recommend
// controlling brightness with PWM only.
// If neither OCR0A_VALUE nor OCR0B_PWM_DISABLE is defined, brightness
// will be controlled by both boost voltage and PWM.
// If only OCR0A_VALUE is defined, the boost voltage will be fixed,
// and brightness will be controlled by PWM (recommended).
// If only OCR0B_PWM_DISABLE is defined, brightness will be controlled
// by the boost voltage.
// Defining OCR0A_VALUE and OCR0B_PWM_DISABLE is possible, but doing
// so will lock the display to a constant brightness and break the
// menu-configurable brightness adjustment.
// If D1 is a power blocking diode (as in the xmas-icetube hardware
// revision), I suggest an OCR0A_VALUE of 192.  If D1 is a Schottky
// diode (as in the original Adafruit design), I suggest an OCR0A_VALUE
// value of 128.  Ideally, the exact value should be tuned for your
// particular clock:  OCR0A_VALUE should be large enough such that the
// boost circuit generates just over 50v with the display installed
// and at maximum brightness, but OCR0A_VALUE should be no larger than
// necessary to prevent excessive voltage from being lost through the
// Zener diode.
// #define OCR0A_VALUE 128
// #define OCR0B_PWM_DISABLE

// The options below should only be used with the to-spec hack above.
// To drive the filament to specifications, do not define any of the
// filament current or voltage macros below.
// Some tubes may make a humming or whining sound when driven with AC.
// If the noise is unacceptable, the frequency can be divided with
// is defined as 3, the AC frequency will be 12/3 = 4 kHz.  The AC
// frequency may be divided by any value below 256.
// Although not to-spec, a sure-fire way to eliminate hum is to simply
// drive the filament with DC.  With a high boost voltage, there
// should not be a noticeable brightness gradient.
// Defining the FILAMENT_DRIVE_DC_FWD macro will drive the display
// with direct current instead of alternating current.  Current will
// flow from right to left across the display.  Defining the
// FILAMENT_DRIVE_DC_REV macro will use direct current flowing from
// left to right across the display.
// Defining either FILAMENT_VOLTAGE_3_3 or FILAMENT_VOLTAGE_2_5 will
// reduce the filament voltage to either 3.3 or 2.5 volts,
// respectively.  Voltage is reduced by changing the duty cycle from
// 100% to either 66% or 50%.  These macros also affect drive
// frequency; if the FILAMENT_FREQUENCY_DIV macro is undefined (or
// defined as 1), the frequency will be approximately
// 5.0 VOLTS          13.0 kHz              --
// 3.3 VOLTS           9.0 kHz             9.0 kHz
// 2.5 VOLTS           6.5 kHz            13.0 kHz
// And again, defining any of the voltage or current macros below
// deliberately runs the filament outside the IV-18 specifications.
// These macros are mainly provided for testing purposes.  But if the
// reddish glow of the filament is bothersome, reducing the filament
// voltage might be worthwhile even though doing so may cause cathode
// poisoning.  Another option to reduce the reddish glow is to have
// the case made from blue tinted acrylic.
// #define FILAMENT_VOLTAGE_3_3
// #define FILAMENT_VOLTAGE_2_5

// As the user changes time to correct for time error, the clock will
// eventually determine how fast or slow the crystal oscillates and
// use this information to correct for time drift.  A more detailed
// description of the automatic drift correction algorithm is given
// in the following post:
// If one already knows how fast or slow the clock runs without drift
// correction, one can preload this information so that the clock will
// keep accurate time immediately after flashing.
// The desired drift correction is defined by a single number.  The
// magnitude (absolute value) defines how often a 1/128 second
// correction must be made in seconds.  If the clock is slow, time
// must be adjusted *forward*, so the sign should be *positive*.  If
// the clock is fast, time must be adjusted *backward*, so the sign
// should be *negative*.  A drift correction value of zero indicates
// that no drift correction should be performed.
// For example, assume a clock runs slow by 3 seconds per day, typical
// of an unmodified Adafruit Ice Tube Clock.  To compensate, the clock
// must make 3 * 128 = 384 corrections per day, since each correction
// is 1/128 seconds.  Those corrections must be made over one day or
// 24 * 60 * 60 = 86400 seconds.  Therefore, the clock should make
// corrections at intervals of 86400 / 384 = 255 seconds.  Because the
// clock runs slow, the drift correction value should be positive 255.
// Defining a drift correction value with AUTODRIFT_PRELOAD enables
// drift correction by the specified amount immediately after
// programming.  But the clock will still determine if it is running
// fast or slow with the user changes the time.  This behavior will
// allow the clock to automatically refine the preloaded drift
// correction value and adapt to changes crystal frequency over time.
// Defining a drift correction value with AUTODRIFT_CONSTANT also
// enables drift correction immediately after programming, but the
// clock will always use the specified drift correction value.  The
// clock will not automatically determine if it is running fast or
// slow when the user changes the time.
// Defining the AUTODRIFT_CONSTANT macro as zero will completely
// disable drift correction.
// #define AUTODRIFT_PRELOAD  255

// At lower voltages, oscillator circuits tend to operate at lower
// frequencies, so the oscillator will run slightly slower during
// sleep.  The AUTODRIFT_SLEEP provides an additional drift correction
// value to be applied during sleep.  Note that this correction is
// applied *in addition* to the normal drift correction method.
#define AUTODRIFT_SLEEP 1600  // ~5 ppm
#define AUTODRIFT_SLEEP 2800  // ~2.8 ppm

// The following macro enables debugging.  When enabled, debugging
// information may be transmitted over USART via the DUMPINT() and
// DUMPSTR() macros defined in usart.h.  The baud rate is specified by
// the USART_BAUDRATE macro, which is defined earlier in this file.
// #define DEBUG

#endif  // CONFIG_H


johngarchie commented 3 years ago

The xmas-icetube firmware too large to fit on the ATmega168, so you'll need to swap that chip for an ATmega328p. The "p" is also necessary to get the power saving features to extend backup battery life.

The error you're getting is happening just after the 16 kB mark, because the flash memory on the 168 is only 16 kB (0x4010 = 16400 = 16.02 kB). This error happens when loading code that is too large to fit in the flash memory.

Also, I would suggest installing the firmware with the Makefile (via "make install-all") to ensure that the eeprom, flash, and all fuses are all setup correctly. You'll need to change the "AVRISP ?= usbtiny" line in the Makefile to reflect your programmer.

Check out the firmware/README file for more details.

Good luck!

88gts commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the feedback, I went and picked up a couple 328ps, but now having trouble connecting. i was able to issue acrdude -c usbasp -p m168 to connect/flash the 168 chip. With the same programmer and tools, I cant connect to the 328p using avrdude -c usbasp -p m328p (also trying via make-install all). is there an extra initialization step i am missing? swapping back to the 168 does work so i dont think its an issue with this programmer.

avrdude -B 4 -P usb -c usbasp -p atmega328p -u -U lfuse:w:0x62:m -u -U hfuse:w:0xD1:m -u -U efuse:w:0x06:m -U flash:w:icetube_flash.hex:i -U eeprom:w:icetube_eeprom.hex:i -U lock:w:0x2B:m

avrdude: set SCK frequency to 187500 Hz
avrdude: warning: cannot set sck period. please check for usbasp firmware update.
avrdude: error: program enable: target doesn't answer. 1 
avrdude: initialization failed, rc=-1
         Double check connections and try again, or use -F to override
         this check.

avrdude done.  Thank you.

make: [Makefile:109: install-all] Error 1 (ignored)
johngarchie commented 3 years ago

Sounds like progress, at least. The initialization failed, rc=-1 error means that there is failed communication between the programmer and the chip. Have you tried the troubleshooting suggestions in the firmware/README file?

:: Programming Fails with an Arduino Chip ::

The Arduino Uno chip is an ATmega328p, but will not work in an Ice Tube Clock without reconfiguration. Arduino chips have their fuse settings configured to use an external 16 MHz oscillator for the system clock. The Ice Tube Clock does not provide a suitable external oscillator, and without an external oscillator, an Arduino chip will not function--not even to be reconfigured.

To provide an external oscillator for reconfiguration, insert the Arduino chip into an Arduino board. Next, connect a programmer to the ISP on the Arduino board and reprogram the fuses with the xmas-icetube Makefile: "make install-fuse". The ATmega328p's fuse settings are now configured to use the 8 MHz internal oscillator and can be installed and programmed as described in the INSTALLATION section.

This method is also described in the following thread:

:: Other Programming Failures ::

First, ensure that the hardware is connected properly, as described in the installation instructions above. Second, double check the Makefile configuration section, paying particular attention to the AVRISP and AVRDUDEOPT macros. Third, try programming the chip at a lower bit rate by changing the "-B 2" option to "-B 25" in the AVRDUDEOPT macro:

AVRDUDEOPT ?= -B 25 -P usb -c $(AVRISP) -p $(AVRMCU)

Fourth, if the chip cannot be programmed in the clock, try programming it in a development board such as the Arduino Uno. Finally, it's possible that the chip is somehow damaged or bricked; usually, the simplest solution is to simply replace the ATmega328p with a new chip and try again.

88gts commented 3 years ago

Yes, I tried changing the -B value with no luck, I'm going to order an Arduino board and see. Will get back to you, thanks!

johngarchie commented 3 years ago

The Arduino board will help if these are pre-programmed Arduino chips. They would have been marketed as Arduino chips, though. For example, Adafruit calls them "Arduino bootloader-programmed chip (Atmega328P)".

With an Arduino chip, it is also possible to breadboard the clock pins to a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, connect an ISP header, and use the bread boarded setup to reprogram the chips to work in the clock.

As far as the "-B 25" option, I had one user report having to change the 25 to a much larger value. I can't remember what exactly he used, but if clock speed is the problem any value big enough will work.

88gts commented 3 years ago

works with the arduino board! thanks for the guidance, flashed and rocking! lets hope this resolves the clock drift :)

johngarchie commented 3 years ago

Congratulations! Well done.