johngraciliano / simplewhite

A minimal theme for Mozilla Firefox.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Improve support for Light Weight Themes #16

Closed johngraciliano closed 8 years ago

johngraciliano commented 8 years ago

Light weight themes can be used in conjunction with _Simple White X_ and other complete (heavy weight) themes by using the _Persona Switcher_ extension. However this theme will present some incompatibility, especially if combined with dark light weight themes, e.g., _Dark Fox_. In such case, the toolbar buttons change to fit a dark background, but main toolbar background remains unchanged making the buttons almost invisible. In such case the toolbar background should become dark or the buttons should remain unchanged. The real question is: Should any light weight theme become visible through the main toolbar?

_(Your feedback is requested!)_

Lootyhoof commented 8 years ago

I might be a little biased here, all things considered, but personally I quite like having some slight transparency in the toolbars, so you can still see the image somewhat behind them (reminder that there are some instances where the whole window title area isn't skinned, such as when the titlebar is enabled, or on Linux, so even less of the persona is able to be seen). See below for what I mean, in both dark and light personas; note that these are used as-is in my current implementation in White Moon (as well as its sibling, Dark Moon).

Dark persona:

Dark persona

Light persona:

Light persona

johngraciliano commented 8 years ago

@Lootyhoof :+1: Thank you for your advise. I have been experimenting with similar settings, but I was not using a gradient (with a varying range) for the background of the navigation bar as I believe you are. The color ranges you use are excellent, and I hope you do not mind if I use them. The same goes for the selected tab, of course. I am not sure I want to leave such a low alpha (opacity) for the non-selected tabs for two reasons: one is that I worry some personas can make the text hard to read, and another is it may differ to much from how the theme looks without personas. This is what I have: img1 img2 I will see what I get after checking with your values.

Lootyhoof commented 8 years ago

Certainly, feel free to use what you like from my themes; we're both working on open-source projects, after all. It would be worthwhile to visit most of the :-moz-lwtheme styles in my browser.css, particularly for the tab styles (as there are a few; note that the styles related to border may not apply here as I recently converted the tabs to pure CSS rather than using a border-image), however, for reference, the nav-bar styles are: Dark persona: linear-gradient(rgba(5,5,5,0.9), rgba(5,5,5,0.6)) Light persona: linear-gradient(rgba(250,250,250,0.9), rgba(250,250,250,0.5))

As for the non-selected tabs, to be honest I do agree. I'll most likely change those soon.

johngraciliano commented 8 years ago

Thank you for the details. I am checking your browser.css right now. I am just happy it is so much cleaner than the Frankenstein's creature I have with the name browser-common.css. (It is indeed pieced together from many corpses! And I know you know that, but I prefer to leave it that way so I can better match it with the browser.css in the _default_ theme for Firefox.)

p.s. Please note the images in my previous comment will not be produced by the theme in the project area. They are produced by my modified local copy.

p.p.s. I included the persona Plaited Monochrome because I think is one of the most visually challenging. Indeed the light border I use for the tabs may be to faint to be seen there, so that may change.

p.p.p.s. (out of topic) Wow, the interface here (at Github) keeps changing...

johngraciliano commented 8 years ago

This issue was left open as a reminder, but it does not seem relevant anymore. The only thing regarding this is a desire for more contrast for the title bar buttons min/max/close under Windows 10. I may agree to the change if there were more voices asking for it but no one else had come forward. Thus I leave the issue as closed.