johnkerl / miller

Miller is like awk, sed, cut, join, and sort for name-indexed data such as CSV, TSV, and tabular JSON
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mlr:./.libs/lt-mlr.c:233: FATAL: couldn't find mlr. #148

Closed jungle-boogie closed 6 years ago

jungle-boogie commented 7 years ago

Hi John,

I'm wanting to try out miller on windows 7.

I already have a path set for other small executable on my system, so I don't think it's a path problem.

I receive this error when running mlr:

mlr:./.libs/lt-mlr.c:233: FATAL: couldn't find mlr.
mlr:./.libs/lt-mlr.c:233: FATAL: couldn't find mlr.
 Directory of C:\Users\jungle\bin\mbin

07/12/2017  10:08 AM    <DIR>          .
07/12/2017  10:08 AM    <DIR>          ..
07/12/2017  10:01 AM           281,871 libpcre-1.dll
07/12/2017  10:01 AM            44,554 libpcreposix-0.dll
07/12/2017  10:00 AM            37,888 mlr.exe
               3 File(s)        364,313 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  513,213,227,008 bytes free

What am I doing wrong? I am using this build:

johnkerl commented 7 years ago

Bummer! Do you know if this is a 32-bit system or a 64-bit system?

johnkerl commented 7 years ago

What I've been building is definitely 64-bit artifacts

jungle-boogie commented 7 years ago

Hi John,

It's windows 7 64 bit.


jungle-boogie commented 7 years ago

Hi @johnkerl,

Any suggestions?


johnkerl commented 7 years ago

@jungle-boogie I don't know what's going on. I recently got Miller building on Windows despite -- not because of -- any particular Windows knowledge on my part.

What I do have to offer is that in the Appveyor build (analog of Travis build) I can set up some 'build artifacts' associated with the builds. I haven't done this but when I do it'll simplify the flow. (At present, build artifacts for releases are built on a borrowed Windows laptop I'm using.)

jungle-boogie commented 7 years ago

Hi @johnkerl,

Well I'm not attempting to build miller on my windows machine. Do I need additional build tools installed to run miller?

johnkerl commented 7 years ago

@jungle-boogie to build from source you need MSYS2 as the build platform:

Otherwise you can use the Appveyor artifacts once I set them up. I don't know of a third option, sadly.

jungle-boogie commented 7 years ago

Hi John,

I'd prefer not to build from source and just use your binary + dlls. What I'm asking/wondering is if I need the build tools to use your binary.

Otherwise, I'll await appveyor to see if that will work.

johnkerl commented 7 years ago

No you shouldn't need MSYS2 to use the binary+DLLs.

Appveyor it is! :)

johnkerl commented 6 years ago

This is a duplicate of