johnkioko / My-Portofolio-Project

This is a Personal Portfolio website. It showcases some of the projects I have build. It also lists stacks I specialize in and languages I have mastered. Built with JavaScript, Html, and CSS. Visitors can view some of my works and reach me by filling out the form in the contact us section.
MIT License
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Popup window #12

Closed johnkioko closed 2 years ago

johnkioko commented 2 years ago

### You should implement the following interactions:

1.Implemented popup window that pops when the user clicks (or taps) the button to check project details, the with details about the project appears.

  1. Implemented the close (X) button such that when the user clicks (or taps) the popup disappears. In order to associate each project with the popup window details, you must refactor the project section: