johnknoop / vscode-handlebars-preview

Preview Handlebars templates in VS Code
MIT License
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Command not found #48

Closed cbass2404 closed 2 years ago

cbass2404 commented 2 years ago

Screen Shot 2022-04-06 at 11 52 50 AM

As you can see in the above screenshot, trying to render a .hbs file in vscode is currently giving me this error. Is this a known issue or is this a 'me issue'?

I've scoured google trying to find a work around and see if something needs to be enabled. I've had no success, so this is kind of my last hope to try to render these .hbs files for previews.

johnknoop commented 2 years ago

That looks a bit strange. Can you see if there's anything useful in the extension log?

johnknoop commented 2 years ago

cbass2404 commented 2 years ago

Sorry, I found the issue just after posting this I noticed none of my extensions were loading up. After restarting the computer everything seems to function as normal.