Closed cizydorczyk closed 7 years ago
Do you have a file called 'projection'? Can you check its contents with h5ls or h5dump?
Thank you for your response.
The only file with 'projection' in the name is a 'projection.samples' file, which is a text file, not a hdf5 file.
No other files are produced by the '' script. Is there a file not being created that should be perhaps?
There should be a file named projection
along with projection.samples
, which is why the seer step is failing. I think you're right that the
script hasn't worked.
Can you edit the script to comment out line 165 so it looks like this
#unlink($tmp_file_name, "$tmp_file_name.Rout");
and then run it again, and have a look at the mds_tmp.Rscript.Rout
file that should be produced?
The following is the output of the script after commenting out line 165:
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> library(rhdf5)
> distances <- read.csv("all_distances.csv", header=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
> projection <- cmdscale(distances, k = 10, eig = T)
Warning message:
In cmdscale(distances, k = 10, eig = T) :
only 7 of the first 10 eigenvalues are > 0
> covariates <- projection[["points"]]
> for (i in 1:10)
+ {
+ covariates[,i] <- covariates[,i]/max(abs(covariates[,i]))
+ }
Error in covariates[, i] : subscript out of bounds
Execution halted
If only 7 of the first 10 eigenvalues are > 0, could this be an issue due to my using a very small sample size (11 isolates) as a trial run with SEER? I eventually plan on using >150 isolates but thought for simplicity's sake I would give it a first pass with just a fraction of the isolates.
Hi Conrad,
Ah yes, that will be the problem. I'd only recommend using SEER with >100 isolates, otherwise the models won't fit. Feel free to reopen if you have any further problems.
I am very much interested in applying SEER to my research.
Unfortunately, following the tutorial (on my own data), I can get everything to run as it should up until I try to run SEER itself. When I try to run seer, I get the following error:
When I take a look at the projection.samples file, all it has inside is a list of my samples, but nothing else. Perhaps this is where the issue lies?
I run the command to generate the projection file like so:
I get no error messages when running this command, and I have made sure to install rhdf5 using bioconductor as per tutorial instructions. Seeing that I am not getting any error messages up until running SEER, I am really not sure where the issue might be.
As such, any help in resolving this issue would be much appreciated.
Thank you,
Conrad Izydorczyk