johnlemonse / homebridge-telldus

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Support for multiple homes ("places") in homebridge-telldus #23

Open napthemax opened 7 years ago

napthemax commented 7 years ago

In Telldus Live it is possible to set up several homes ("Places") and control devices in them. In homebridge-telldus all plugs and devices from all places are sorted in the default one, with no way of moving them to the another place.

Telldus API uses clients/list available at

---- clients/list: Returns a list of all clients associated with the current user (optional) A comma-delimited list of extra information to fetch for each returned client. Currently supported fields are: coordinate, features, latestversion, suntime, timezone, transports and tzoffset ----

{"client": [ {"id":"37769","uuid":"2c1231cc-06ab-488c-bfa8-xxxxxxxxxxxx","name":"Torpet","online":"1","editable":1,"extensions":3,"version":"17","type":"TellStick Net","ip":"81.X.X.X"},

{"id":"17295","uuid":"01458827-87ab-4daa-ac9a-xxxxxxxxxxxx","name":"Hemma","online":"1","editable":1,"extensions":3,"version":"17","type":"TellStick Net","ip":"92.X.X.X"} ] }

From another thread:

I'm not sure how multiple homes work in HomeKit, so I'm not sure how this would be solved.

Don't know either, but in Telldus Live they are defined as "places" in the web interface. In homebridge-telldus, all devices in all places comes in one list ("predefined room"?) instead of sorted by place. I'll search the Telldus Wiki for information and let you know. I can't see that setting up another bridge would solve the problem either, the only way would be to create another Tells Live account and move one place to that account, loosing any Pro functionality.

napthemax commented 6 years ago

Seems like there are ID's for multiple homes available in the development tool for HomeKit at Apple. With this maybe it's possible to integrate multiple homes into homebridge-telldus?

dezral commented 6 years ago

I think you will need to use 2 instances running of homebridge, where you would disable all the devises that you would not want showing for each "home"..

or just use more then one telldus live ID in each homebridge instance where each home have an telldus live account.. i cannot see any good way of supporting one bridge to have multilple homes...

napthemax commented 2 years ago

Maybe it's time to comment here, since I have an issue (#92) on running Local API on the homebridge-telldus plugin. Because running Local API is the answer to this issue; set up a Homebridge with homebridge-telldus in each of your homes, run Local API and have fun without seeing all your switches from your second home in your primary home.

You may keep this as Enhancement, or just close it ;-)