johnlemonse / homebridge-telldus

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Error - split of null #30

Closed rikardronnkvist closed 7 years ago

rikardronnkvist commented 7 years ago

Got a strange error...


mifi commented 7 years ago

Which version are you running?

rikardronnkvist commented 7 years ago

Running on a Synology inside Docker... so npm is running latest... I hope. :)

This is the docker config: { "scripts": { "install": "npm install -g homebridge-synology homebridge-sonos homebridge-telldus --unsafe-perm" } }

rikardronnkvist commented 7 years ago

Found a device that probably is causing some issues (model = null) ...

Result from the API:


mifi commented 7 years ago

You can temporarily try: npm install -g git+

Some fixes have not yet been published on npm. I hope to get npm publish access from owner soon. See also #29

rikardronnkvist commented 7 years ago

Looks like it works a lot better... :)

(got a couple of other errors... will look in to them later on)

My docker config right now: { "scripts": { "install": "npm install -g homebridge-synology homebridge-sonos git+ --unsafe-perm" } }

mifi commented 7 years ago

note however that you should go back to npm install homebridge-telldus when a new version is published in npm, because the git+https is master which can be unstable

mifi commented 7 years ago

New version has now been deployed on npm, 0.0.5. You should use that now. Closing this