johnlemonse / homebridge-telldus

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Telldus plugin cannot start #45

Closed SWEiNSANE closed 7 years ago

SWEiNSANE commented 7 years ago

I just replaced my old Raspberry Pi with a model 3 so I set up Homebridge with Trådfri plugin and Telldus plugin along with the latest Raspbian Jessie Lite, npm and node.js.

But now the Telldus plugin cannot start as Homebridge. I get this error message:

[5/6/2017, 1:37:21 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] undefined Unhandled rejection (<{"statusCode":401,"data":"{\"error\":...>, no stack trace

Any suggestions? I reinstalled everthing once again but no luck :-(

mifi commented 7 years ago

can you try to make requests manually against the telldus API? using the API explorer or CURL/Postman?

401 sounds like there is something wrong with your API key or authorization somehow

SWEiNSANE commented 7 years ago

It worked great with API Explorer so I copied my keys once again to config.json and now the error is gone :-) It looks like the first character was missing, embarrassing newbie error...

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!