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Problems after changing unit from Tellstick Net to Tellstick ZNet Lite V2 #47

Open SWEiNSANE opened 6 years ago

SWEiNSANE commented 6 years ago


A big thunderstorm took out many electronic devices in my home, such as my Telldus Tellstick Net. I bought Telldus Tellstick ZNet Lite V2 instead and after that my devices aren't recognized automatically anymore. Homebridge detects the device but not the model etc. - see below. Any ideas on how to resolve this? Or is the new ZNet Lite V2 not supported?! :-(

[8/11/2017, 12:42:36 AM] [Telldus Liv!e] [Sovrum lampa söder] Your device (model n/a, id 1719064) is not auto detected from telldus live. Please add the following to your config, under telldus platform (replace MODEL with a valid type, and optionally set manufacturer): "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1719064, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }] Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch

Regards, Pär

mifi commented 6 years ago

I don't have a v2 so i cannot test this unfortunately. But it looks like you just have to add the correct model? (see readme)

SWEiNSANE commented 6 years ago

I've just replaced my Tellstick - all devices (mainly Nexa) worked with the older Telldus Net. Telldus copied my devices to the new ZNet V2 and but I had to add all my temperature sensors, magnet sensors, triggers and schedules.

So I haven't done anything manually Before - it just worked. I've even tried to delete a copied device and re-added it but it didn't work, I thought the problem was related to the copy Telldus helped me with since I have 18 devices. To bad I had to add all the sensors, triggers and Schedules again since Telldus cannot copy them to a new Tellstick.

mifi commented 6 years ago

If you provide some logs maybe I can understand the problem

SWEiNSANE commented 6 years ago


I started hombridge-Telldus with

DEBUG=homebridge-telldus homebridge

but I can't find any logfile. I checked under /var/log. Where is it located or can I just copy everything from the console when starting homebridge with the command above?

Or is it logged to /var/log/daemon.log since I'm using systemd to start Homebridge as a service?

mifi commented 6 years ago

log is sent to standard output, just run DEBUG=homebridge-telldus homebridge from the command line

SWEiNSANE commented 6 years ago

pi@Homebridge:~ $ DEBUG=homebridge-telldus homebridge WARNING The program 'nodejs' uses the Apple Bonjour compatibility layer of Avahi. WARNING Please fix your application to use the native API of Avahi! WARNING For more information see WARNING The program 'nodejs' called 'DNSServiceRegister()' which is not supported (or only supported partially) in the Apple Bonjour compatibility layer of Avahi. WARNING Please fix your application to use the native API of Avahi! WARNING For more information see [8/25/2017, 8:49:50 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-config-ui [8/25/2017, 8:49:50 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-config-ui.config' [8/25/2017, 8:49:50 PM] --- [8/25/2017, 8:49:50 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-ikea [8/25/2017, 8:49:50 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-ikea.Ikea' [8/25/2017, 8:49:50 PM] --- [8/25/2017, 8:49:50 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-telldus [8/25/2017, 8:49:50 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-telldus.Telldus' [8/25/2017, 8:49:50 PM] --- [8/25/2017, 8:49:50 PM] Loaded config.json with 0 accessories and 2 platforms. [8/25/2017, 8:49:50 PM] --- [8/25/2017, 8:49:50 PM] Loading 2 platforms... [8/25/2017, 8:49:50 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Initializing Telldus platform... [8/25/2017, 8:49:50 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Loading accessories... [8/25/2017, 8:49:50 PM] [Gateway] Initializing Ikea platform... [8/25/2017, 8:49:50 PM] [Gateway] Initializing platform accessory 'Garage 4'... [8/25/2017, 8:49:50 PM] [Gateway] Initializing platform accessory 'Garage 2'... [8/25/2017, 8:49:50 PM] [Gateway] Initializing platform accessory 'Garage 3'... [8/25/2017, 8:49:50 PM] [Gateway] Initializing platform accessory 'Garage 1'... [8/25/2017, 8:49:51 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Logged in with user: homebridge-telldus getSensors response [ { id: '13193228', name: null, lastUpdated: 1502860364, ignored: 0, client: '252778', clientName: 'Humlegatan', online: '1', editable: 1, battery: 254, keepHistory: 0, protocol: 'fineoffset', model: 'temperature', sensorId: '34', miscValues: null }, { id: '13187910', name: null, lastUpdated: 1502820640, ignored: 0, client: '252778', clientName: 'Humlegatan', online: '1', editable: 1, battery: 254, keepHistory: 0, protocol: 'fineoffset', model: 'temperature', sensorId: '33', miscValues: null }, { id: '13211552', name: null, lastUpdated: 1502982735, ignored: 0, client: '252778', clientName: 'Humlegatan', online: '1', editable: 1, battery: 254, keepHistory: 0, protocol: 'fineoffset', model: 'temperature', sensorId: '35', miscValues: null }, { id: '13093818', name: 'Temp frys', lastUpdated: 1503686818, ignored: 0, client: '252778', clientName: 'Humlegatan', online: '1', editable: 1, battery: 254, keepHistory: 1, protocol: 'fineoffset', model: 'temperature', sensorId: '7', miscValues: null }, { id: '13122275', name: 'Temp garage', lastUpdated: 1503686885, ignored: 0, client: '252778', clientName: 'Humlegatan', online: '1', editable: 1, battery: 254, keepHistory: 1, protocol: 'fineoffset', model: 'temperaturehumidity', sensorId: '31', miscValues: null }, { id: '13093817', name: 'Temp gillestuga', lastUpdated: 1503686799, ignored: 0, client: '252778', clientName: 'Humlegatan', online: '1', editable: 1, battery: 254, keepHistory: 0, protocol: 'fineoffset', model: 'temperaturehumidity', sensorId: '6', miscValues: null }, { id: '13093816', name: 'Temp kylskåp', lastUpdated: 1503686679, ignored: 0, client: '252778', clientName: 'Humlegatan', online: '1', editable: 1, battery: 254, keepHistory: 1, protocol: 'fineoffset', model: 'temperature', sensorId: '5', miscValues: null }, { id: '13093821', name: 'Temp kök', lastUpdated: 1503686867, ignored: 0, client: '252778', clientName: 'Humlegatan', online: '1', editable: 1, battery: 254, keepHistory: 1, protocol: 'mandolyn', model: 'temperaturehumidity', sensorId: '10', miscValues: null }, { id: '13093814', name: 'Temp lekrum', lastUpdated: 1503686709, ignored: 0, client: '252778', clientName: 'Humlegatan', online: '1', editable: 1, battery: 254, keepHistory: 0, protocol: 'fineoffset', model: 'temperaturehumidity', sensorId: '3', miscValues: null }, { id: '13093820', name: 'Temp norr', lastUpdated: 1503686706, ignored: 0, client: '252778', clientName: 'Humlegatan', online: '1', editable: 1, battery: 254, keepHistory: 1, protocol: 'mandolyn', model: 'temperaturehumidity', sensorId: '9', miscValues: null }, { id: '13093822', name: 'Temp Oscars rum', lastUpdated: 1503686830, ignored: 0, client: '252778', clientName: 'Humlegatan', online: '1', editable: 1, battery: 254, keepHistory: 1, protocol: 'mandolyn', model: 'temperaturehumidity', sensorId: '11', miscValues: null }, { id: '13093813', name: 'Temp sovrum', lastUpdated: 1503686951, ignored: 0, client: '252778', clientName: 'Humlegatan', online: '1', editable: 1, battery: 254, keepHistory: 0, protocol: 'fineoffset', model: 'temperature', sensorId: '2', miscValues: null }, { id: '13093812', name: 'Temp söder', lastUpdated: 1503686766, ignored: 0, client: '252778', clientName: 'Humlegatan', online: '1', editable: 1, battery: 254, keepHistory: 0, protocol: 'fineoffset', model: 'temperature', sensorId: '1', miscValues: null }, { id: '13093815', name: 'Temp tvättstuga', lastUpdated: 1503686701, ignored: 0, client: '252778', clientName: 'Humlegatan', online: '1', editable: 1, battery: 254, keepHistory: 0, protocol: 'fineoffset', model: 'temperaturehumidity', sensorId: '4', miscValues: null }, { id: '13093819', name: 'Temp uterum', lastUpdated: 1503686762, ignored: 0, client: '252778', clientName: 'Humlegatan', online: '1', editable: 1, battery: 254, keepHistory: 0, protocol: 'fineoffset', model: 'temperaturehumidity', sensorId: '8', miscValues: null } ] +0ms [8/25/2017, 8:49:51 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Found 15 sensors in telldus live. [8/25/2017, 8:49:51 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Device 13193228 has no name from telldus, ignoring [8/25/2017, 8:49:51 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Device 13187910 has no name from telldus, ignoring [8/25/2017, 8:49:51 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Device 13211552 has no name from telldus, ignoring [8/25/2017, 8:49:51 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Creating accessory with ID 13093818. Name from telldus: Temp frys [8/25/2017, 8:49:51 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Creating accessory with ID 13122275. Name from telldus: Temp garage [8/25/2017, 8:49:51 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Creating accessory with ID 13093817. Name from telldus: Temp gillestuga [8/25/2017, 8:49:51 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Creating accessory with ID 13093816. Name from telldus: Temp kylskåp [8/25/2017, 8:49:51 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Creating accessory with ID 13093821. Name from telldus: Temp kök [8/25/2017, 8:49:51 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Creating accessory with ID 13093814. Name from telldus: Temp lekrum [8/25/2017, 8:49:51 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Creating accessory with ID 13093820. Name from telldus: Temp norr [8/25/2017, 8:49:51 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Creating accessory with ID 13093822. Name from telldus: Temp Oscars rum [8/25/2017, 8:49:51 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Creating accessory with ID 13093813. Name from telldus: Temp sovrum [8/25/2017, 8:49:51 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Creating accessory with ID 13093812. Name from telldus: Temp söder [8/25/2017, 8:49:51 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Creating accessory with ID 13093815. Name from telldus: Temp tvättstuga [8/25/2017, 8:49:51 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Creating accessory with ID 13093819. Name from telldus: Temp uterum homebridge-telldus getDevices response [ { id: '1719072', clientDeviceId: '29', name: 'Dörr sovrum', state: 2, statevalue: null, methods: 3, type: 'device', client: '252778', clientName: 'Humlegatan', online: '1', editable: 1, ignored: 0, status: 'off' }, { id: '1719071', clientDeviceId: '28', name: 'Dörr vardagsrum', state: 2, statevalue: null, methods: 3, type: 'device', client: '252778', clientName: 'Humlegatan', online: '1', editable: 1, ignored: 0, status: 'off' }, { id: '1719070', clientDeviceId: '27', name: 'Kök lampa norr', state: 1, statevalue: null, methods: 3, type: 'device', client: '252778', clientName: 'Humlegatan', online: '1', editable: 1, ignored: 0, status: 'on' }, { id: '1719069', clientDeviceId: '26', name: 'Kök lampa öster', state: 1, statevalue: null, methods: 3, type: 'device', client: '252778', clientName: 'Humlegatan', online: '1', editable: 1, ignored: 0, status: 'on' }, { id: '1720637', clientDeviceId: '32', name: 'Kontor lampa', state: 2, statevalue: null, methods: 3, type: 'device', client: '252778', clientName: 'Humlegatan', online: '1', editable: 1, ignored: 0, status: 'off' }, { id: '1719067', clientDeviceId: '24', name: 'Oscar akvarium', state: 2, statevalue: null, methods: 3, type: 'device', client: '252778', clientName: 'Humlegatan', online: '1', editable: 1, ignored: 0, status: 'off' }, { id: '1719066', clientDeviceId: '23', name: 'Oscar fotoram', state: 2, statevalue: null, methods: 3, type: 'device', client: '252778', clientName: 'Humlegatan', online: '1', editable: 1, ignored: 0, status: 'off' }, { id: '1719065', clientDeviceId: '22', name: 'Oscar lampa söder', state: 2, statevalue: null, methods: 3, type: 'device', client: '252778', clientName: 'Humlegatan', online: '1', editable: 1, ignored: 0, status: 'off' }, { id: '1719064', clientDeviceId: '21', name: 'Sovrum lampa söder', state: 1, statevalue: null, methods: 3, type: 'device', client: '252778', clientName: 'Humlegatan', online: '1', editable: 1, ignored: 0, status: 'on' }, { id: '1719063', clientDeviceId: '20', name: 'Ute altan lampa söder', state: 1, statevalue: null, methods: 3, type: 'device', client: '252778', clientName: 'Humlegatan', online: '1', editable: 1, ignored: 0, status: 'on' }, { id: '1719062', clientDeviceId: '19', name: 'Ute entre lampa norr', state: 1, statevalue: null, methods: 3, type: 'device', client: '252778', clientName: 'Humlegatan', online: '1', editable: 1, ignored: 0, status: 'on' }, { id: '1719061', clientDeviceId: '18', name: 'Ute förråd lampa', state: 1, statevalue: null, methods: 3, type: 'device', client: '252778', clientName: 'Humlegatan', online: '1', editable: 1, ignored: 0, status: 'on' }, { id: '1719060', clientDeviceId: '17', name: 'Ute garage lampa norr', state: 1, statevalue: null, methods: 3, type: 'device', client: '252778', clientName: 'Humlegatan', online: '1', editable: 1, ignored: 0, status: 'on' }, { id: '1719059', clientDeviceId: '16', name: 'Ute garage lampa söder', state: 1, statevalue: null, methods: 3, type: 'device', client: '252778', clientName: 'Humlegatan', online: '1', editable: 1, ignored: 0, status: 'on' }, { id: '1719058', clientDeviceId: '15', name: 'Ute uterum', state: 1, statevalue: null, methods: 3, type: 'device', client: '252778', clientName: 'Humlegatan', online: '1', editable: 1, ignored: 0, status: 'on' }, { id: '1719057', clientDeviceId: '14', name: 'Vrum lampa bokhylla', state: 1, statevalue: null, methods: 3, type: 'device', client: '252778', clientName: 'Humlegatan', online: '1', editable: 1, ignored: 0, status: 'on' }, { id: '1719056', clientDeviceId: '13', name: 'Vrum lampa söder', state: 1, statevalue: null, methods: 3, type: 'device', client: '252778', clientName: 'Humlegatan', online: '1', editable: 1, ignored: 0, status: 'on' }, { id: '1719055', clientDeviceId: '12', name: 'Vrum lampa väster', state: 1, statevalue: null, methods: 3, type: 'device', client: '252778', clientName: 'Humlegatan', online: '1', editable: 1, ignored: 0, status: 'on' } ] +234ms [8/25/2017, 8:49:51 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Found 18 devices in telldus live. homebridge-telldus getDeviceInfo responses [ { id: '1719072', name: 'Dörr sovrum', state: '2', statevalue: null, methods: '3', type: 'device', client: '252778', protocol: '433', model: 'n/a', online: '1', editable: 1, parameter: [], status: 'off' }, { id: '1719071', name: 'Dörr vardagsrum', state: '2', statevalue: null, methods: '3', type: 'device', client: '252778', protocol: '433', model: 'n/a', online: '1', editable: 1, parameter: [], status: 'off' }, { id: '1719070', name: 'Kök lampa norr', state: '1', statevalue: null, methods: '3', type: 'device', client: '252778', protocol: '433', model: 'n/a', online: '1', editable: 1, parameter: [], status: 'on' }, { id: '1719069', name: 'Kök lampa öster', state: '1', statevalue: null, methods: '3', type: 'device', client: '252778', protocol: '433', model: 'n/a', online: '1', editable: 1, parameter: [], status: 'on' }, { id: '1720637', name: 'Kontor lampa', state: '2', statevalue: null, methods: '3', type: 'device', client: '252778', protocol: '433', model: 'n/a', online: '1', editable: 1, parameter: [], status: 'off' }, { id: '1719067', name: 'Oscar akvarium', state: '2', statevalue: null, methods: '3', type: 'device', client: '252778', protocol: '433', model: 'n/a', online: '1', editable: 1, parameter: [], status: 'off' }, { id: '1719066', name: 'Oscar fotoram', state: '2', statevalue: null, methods: '3', type: 'device', client: '252778', protocol: '433', model: 'n/a', online: '1', editable: 1, parameter: [], status: 'off' }, { id: '1719065', name: 'Oscar lampa söder', state: '2', statevalue: null, methods: '3', type: 'device', client: '252778', protocol: '433', model: 'n/a', online: '1', editable: 1, parameter: [], status: 'off' }, { id: '1719064', name: 'Sovrum lampa söder', state: '1', statevalue: null, methods: '3', type: 'device', client: '252778', protocol: '433', model: 'n/a', online: '1', editable: 1, parameter: [], status: 'on' }, { id: '1719063', name: 'Ute altan lampa söder', state: '1', statevalue: null, methods: '3', type: 'device', client: '252778', protocol: '433', model: 'n/a', online: '1', editable: 1, parameter: [], status: 'on' }, { id: '1719062', name: 'Ute entre lampa norr', state: '1', statevalue: null, methods: '3', type: 'device', client: '252778', protocol: '433', model: 'n/a', online: '1', editable: 1, parameter: [], status: 'on' }, { id: '1719061', name: 'Ute förråd lampa', state: '1', statevalue: null, methods: '3', type: 'device', client: '252778', protocol: '433', model: 'n/a', online: '1', editable: 1, parameter: [], status: 'on' }, { id: '1719060', name: 'Ute garage lampa norr', state: '1', statevalue: null, methods: '3', type: 'device', client: '252778', protocol: '433', model: 'n/a', online: '1', editable: 1, parameter: [], status: 'on' }, { id: '1719059', name: 'Ute garage lampa söder', state: '1', statevalue: null, methods: '3', type: 'device', client: '252778', protocol: '433', model: 'n/a', online: '1', editable: 1, parameter: [], status: 'on' }, { id: '1719058', name: 'Ute uterum', state: '1', statevalue: null, methods: '3', type: 'device', client: '252778', protocol: '433', model: 'n/a', online: '1', editable: 1, parameter: [], status: 'on' }, { id: '1719057', name: 'Vrum lampa bokhylla', state: '1', statevalue: null, methods: '3', type: 'device', client: '252778', protocol: '433', model: 'n/a', online: '1', editable: 1, parameter: [], status: 'on' }, { id: '1719056', name: 'Vrum lampa söder', state: '1', statevalue: null, methods: '3', type: 'device', client: '252778', protocol: '433', model: 'n/a', online: '1', editable: 1, parameter: [], status: 'on' }, { id: '1719055', name: 'Vrum lampa väster', state: '1', statevalue: null, methods: '3', type: 'device', client: '252778', protocol: '433', model: 'n/a', online: '1', editable: 1, parameter: [], status: 'on' } ] +3s [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Creating accessory with ID 1719072. Name from telldus: Dörr sovrum [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Creating accessory with ID 1719071. Name from telldus: Dörr vardagsrum [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Creating accessory with ID 1719070. Name from telldus: Kök lampa norr [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Creating accessory with ID 1719069. Name from telldus: Kök lampa öster [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Creating accessory with ID 1720637. Name from telldus: Kontor lampa [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Creating accessory with ID 1719067. Name from telldus: Oscar akvarium [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Creating accessory with ID 1719066. Name from telldus: Oscar fotoram [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Creating accessory with ID 1719065. Name from telldus: Oscar lampa söder [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Creating accessory with ID 1719064. Name from telldus: Sovrum lampa söder [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Creating accessory with ID 1719063. Name from telldus: Ute altan lampa söder [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Creating accessory with ID 1719062. Name from telldus: Ute entre lampa norr [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Creating accessory with ID 1719061. Name from telldus: Ute förråd lampa [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Creating accessory with ID 1719060. Name from telldus: Ute garage lampa norr [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Creating accessory with ID 1719059. Name from telldus: Ute garage lampa söder [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Creating accessory with ID 1719058. Name from telldus: Ute uterum [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Creating accessory with ID 1719057. Name from telldus: Vrum lampa bokhylla [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Creating accessory with ID 1719056. Name from telldus: Vrum lampa söder [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Creating accessory with ID 1719055. Name from telldus: Vrum lampa väster [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Initializing platform accessory 'Temp frys'... [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Initializing platform accessory 'Temp garage'... [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Initializing platform accessory 'Temp gillestuga'... [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Initializing platform accessory 'Temp kylskåp'... [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Initializing platform accessory 'Temp kök'... [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Initializing platform accessory 'Temp lekrum'... [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Initializing platform accessory 'Temp norr'... [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Initializing platform accessory 'Temp Oscars rum'... [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Initializing platform accessory 'Temp sovrum'... [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Initializing platform accessory 'Temp söder'... [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Initializing platform accessory 'Temp tvättstuga'... [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Initializing platform accessory 'Temp uterum'... [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Initializing platform accessory 'Dörr sovrum'... [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] [Dörr sovrum] Your device (model n/a, id 1719072) is not auto detected from telldus live. Please add the following to your config, under telldus platform (replace MODEL with a valid type, and optionally set manufacturer): "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1719072, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }] Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Initializing platform accessory 'Dörr vardagsrum'... [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] [Dörr vardagsrum] Your device (model n/a, id 1719071) is not auto detected from telldus live. Please add the following to your config, under telldus platform (replace MODEL with a valid type, and optionally set manufacturer): "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1719071, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }] Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Initializing platform accessory 'Kök lampa norr'... [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] [Kök lampa norr] Your device (model n/a, id 1719070) is not auto detected from telldus live. Please add the following to your config, under telldus platform (replace MODEL with a valid type, and optionally set manufacturer): "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1719070, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }] Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Initializing platform accessory 'Kök lampa öster'... [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] [Kök lampa öster] Your device (model n/a, id 1719069) is not auto detected from telldus live. Please add the following to your config, under telldus platform (replace MODEL with a valid type, and optionally set manufacturer): "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1719069, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }] Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Initializing platform accessory 'Kontor lampa'... [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] [Kontor lampa] Your device (model n/a, id 1720637) is not auto detected from telldus live. Please add the following to your config, under telldus platform (replace MODEL with a valid type, and optionally set manufacturer): "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1720637, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }] Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Initializing platform accessory 'Oscar akvarium'... [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] [Oscar akvarium] Your device (model n/a, id 1719067) is not auto detected from telldus live. Please add the following to your config, under telldus platform (replace MODEL with a valid type, and optionally set manufacturer): "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1719067, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }] Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Initializing platform accessory 'Oscar fotoram'... [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] [Oscar fotoram] Your device (model n/a, id 1719066) is not auto detected from telldus live. Please add the following to your config, under telldus platform (replace MODEL with a valid type, and optionally set manufacturer): "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1719066, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }] Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Initializing platform accessory 'Oscar lampa söder'... [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] [Oscar lampa söder] Your device (model n/a, id 1719065) is not auto detected from telldus live. Please add the following to your config, under telldus platform (replace MODEL with a valid type, and optionally set manufacturer): "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1719065, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }] Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Initializing platform accessory 'Sovrum lampa söder'... [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] [Sovrum lampa söder] Your device (model n/a, id 1719064) is not auto detected from telldus live. Please add the following to your config, under telldus platform (replace MODEL with a valid type, and optionally set manufacturer): "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1719064, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }] Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Initializing platform accessory 'Ute altan lampa söder'... [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] [Ute altan lampa söder] Your device (model n/a, id 1719063) is not auto detected from telldus live. Please add the following to your config, under telldus platform (replace MODEL with a valid type, and optionally set manufacturer): "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1719063, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }] Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Initializing platform accessory 'Ute entre lampa norr'... [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] [Ute entre lampa norr] Your device (model n/a, id 1719062) is not auto detected from telldus live. Please add the following to your config, under telldus platform (replace MODEL with a valid type, and optionally set manufacturer): "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1719062, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }] Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Initializing platform accessory 'Ute förråd lampa'... [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] [Ute förråd lampa] Your device (model n/a, id 1719061) is not auto detected from telldus live. Please add the following to your config, under telldus platform (replace MODEL with a valid type, and optionally set manufacturer): "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1719061, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }] Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Initializing platform accessory 'Ute garage lampa norr'... [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] [Ute garage lampa norr] Your device (model n/a, id 1719060) is not auto detected from telldus live. Please add the following to your config, under telldus platform (replace MODEL with a valid type, and optionally set manufacturer): "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1719060, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }] Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Initializing platform accessory 'Ute garage lampa söder'... [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] [Ute garage lampa söder] Your device (model n/a, id 1719059) is not auto detected from telldus live. Please add the following to your config, under telldus platform (replace MODEL with a valid type, and optionally set manufacturer): "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1719059, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }] Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Initializing platform accessory 'Ute uterum'... [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] [Ute uterum] Your device (model n/a, id 1719058) is not auto detected from telldus live. Please add the following to your config, under telldus platform (replace MODEL with a valid type, and optionally set manufacturer): "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1719058, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }] Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Initializing platform accessory 'Vrum lampa bokhylla'... [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] [Vrum lampa bokhylla] Your device (model n/a, id 1719057) is not auto detected from telldus live. Please add the following to your config, under telldus platform (replace MODEL with a valid type, and optionally set manufacturer): "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1719057, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }] Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Initializing platform accessory 'Vrum lampa söder'... [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] [Vrum lampa söder] Your device (model n/a, id 1719056) is not auto detected from telldus live. Please add the following to your config, under telldus platform (replace MODEL with a valid type, and optionally set manufacturer): "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1719056, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }] Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] Initializing platform accessory 'Vrum lampa väster'... [8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] [Telldus Liv!e] [Vrum lampa väster] Your device (model n/a, id 1719055) is not auto detected from telldus live. Please add the following to your config, under telldus platform (replace MODEL with a valid type, and optionally set manufacturer): "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1719055, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }] Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch Scan this code with your HomeKit App on your iOS device to pair with Homebridge:

│ 031-45-154            │

[8/25/2017, 8:49:55 PM] Homebridge is running on port 51826.

bossehirsch commented 6 years ago

Same problem After switching from tellstick Net v1 to tellstick net v2

bossehirsch commented 6 years ago

can this code with your HomeKit App on your iOS device to pair with Homebridge: Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1749234, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }] [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] [Ytterdörr] Your device (model n/a, id 1749234) is not auto detected from telldus live. Please add the following to your config, under telldus platform (replace MODEL with a valid type, and optionally set manufacturer): [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Initializing platform accessory 'Ytterdörr'... Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1749232, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }] [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] [Vinden] Your device (model n/a, id 1749232) is not auto detected from telldus live. Please add the following to your config, under telldus platform (replace MODEL with a valid type, and optionally set manufacturer): [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Initializing platform accessory 'Vinden'... Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1749501, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }] [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] [Vardagsrum Trädgård] Your device (model n/a, id 1749501) is not auto detected from telldus live. Please add the following to your config, under telldus platform (replace MODEL with a valid type, and optionally set manufacturer): [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Initializing platform accessory 'Vardagsrum Trädgård'... Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1749229, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }] [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] [Vardagsrum Mio] Your device (model n/a, id 1749229) is not auto detected from telldus live. Please add the following to your config, under telldus platform (replace MODEL with a valid type, and optionally set manufacturer): [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Initializing platform accessory 'Vardagsrum Mio'... Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1749231, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }] [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] [Vardagsrum Golvlampa] Your device (model n/a, id 1749231) is not auto detected from telldus live. Please add the following to your config, under telldus platform (replace MODEL with a valid type, and optionally set manufacturer): [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Initializing platform accessory 'Vardagsrum Golvlampa'... Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1749227, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }] [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] [Vardagsrum Fjärr] Your device (model n/a, id 1749227) is not auto detected from telldus live. Please add the following to your config, under telldus platform (replace MODEL with a valid type, and optionally set manufacturer): [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Initializing platform accessory 'Vardagsrum Fjärr'... Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1749185, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }] [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] [Vardagsrum Ananas] Your device (model n/a, id 1749185) is not auto detected from telldus live. Please add the following to your config, under telldus platform (replace MODEL with a valid type, and optionally set manufacturer): [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Initializing platform accessory 'Vardagsrum Ananas'... Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1749223, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }] [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] [Utomhus] Your device (model n/a, id 1749223) is not auto detected from telldus live. Please add the following to your config, under telldus platform (replace MODEL with a valid type, and optionally set manufacturer): [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Initializing platform accessory 'Utomhus'... Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1749221, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }] [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] [Sovrum Golvlampa] Your device (model n/a, id 1749221) is not auto detected from telldus live. Please add the following to your config, under telldus platform (replace MODEL with a valid type, and optionally set manufacturer): [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Initializing platform accessory 'Sovrum Golvlampa'... Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1749239, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }] [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] [Sovrum Fjärr] Your device (model n/a, id 1749239) is not auto detected from telldus live. Please add the following to your config, under telldus platform (replace MODEL with a valid type, and optionally set manufacturer): [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Initializing platform accessory 'Sovrum Fjärr'... Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1749219, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }] [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] [Sovrum Buddha] Your device (model n/a, id 1749219) is not auto detected from telldus live. Please add the following to your config, under telldus platform (replace MODEL with a valid type, and optionally set manufacturer): [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Initializing platform accessory 'Sovrum Buddha'... Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1749213, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }] [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] [Skymmningssensor Vardagsrum] Your device (model n/a, id 1749213) is not auto detected from telldus live. Please add the following to your config, under telldus platform (replace MODEL with a valid type, and optionally set manufacturer): [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Initializing platform accessory 'Skymmningssensor Vardagsrum'... Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1749212, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }] [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] [Ringklocka Ytterdörr] Your device (model n/a, id 1749212) is not auto detected from telldus live. Please add the following to your config, under telldus platform (replace MODEL with a valid type, and optionally set manufacturer): [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Initializing platform accessory 'Ringklocka Ytterdörr'... Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1749242, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }] [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] [Retropie] Your device (model n/a, id 1749242) is not auto detected from telldus live. Please add the following to your config, under telldus platform (replace MODEL with a valid type, and optionally set manufacturer): [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Initializing platform accessory 'Retropie'... Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1749211, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }] [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] [Kök Fönster] Your device (model n/a, id 1749211) is not auto detected from telldus live. Please add the following to your config, under telldus platform (replace MODEL with a valid type, and optionally set manufacturer): [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Initializing platform accessory 'Kök Fönster'... Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1749209, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }] [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] [Hall Bänk] Your device (model n/a, id 1749209) is not auto detected from telldus live. Please add the following to your config, under telldus platform (replace MODEL with a valid type, and optionally set manufacturer): [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Initializing platform accessory 'Hall Bänk'... Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1749206, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }] [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] [Dörrklocka] Your device (model n/a, id 1749206) is not auto detected from telldus live. Please add the following to your config, under telldus platform (replace MODEL with a valid type, and optionally set manufacturer): [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Initializing platform accessory 'Dörrklocka'... Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1749172, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }] [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] [Alexandra Fönster] Your device (model n/a, id 1749172) is not auto detected from telldus live. Please add the following to your config, under telldus platform (replace MODEL with a valid type, and optionally set manufacturer): [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Initializing platform accessory 'Alexandra Fönster'... Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1749241, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }] [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] [Alexandra Fjärr] Your device (model n/a, id 1749241) is not auto detected from telldus live. Please add the following to your config, under telldus platform (replace MODEL with a valid type, and optionally set manufacturer): [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Initializing platform accessory 'Alexandra Fjärr'... [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Initializing platform accessory 'Ute'... [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Initializing platform accessory 'Källare'... [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Initializing platform accessory 'Inne'... [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Initializing platform accessory 'Garage'... [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Initializing platform accessory 'Frys Kök'... [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Creating accessory with ID 1749234. Name from telldus: Ytterdörr [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Creating accessory with ID 1749232. Name from telldus: Vinden [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Creating accessory with ID 1749501. Name from telldus: Vardagsrum Trädgård [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Creating accessory with ID 1749229. Name from telldus: Vardagsrum Mio [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Creating accessory with ID 1749231. Name from telldus: Vardagsrum Golvlampa [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Creating accessory with ID 1749227. Name from telldus: Vardagsrum Fjärr [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Creating accessory with ID 1749185. Name from telldus: Vardagsrum Ananas [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Creating accessory with ID 1749223. Name from telldus: Utomhus [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Creating accessory with ID 1749221. Name from telldus: Sovrum Golvlampa [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Creating accessory with ID 1749239. Name from telldus: Sovrum Fjärr [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Creating accessory with ID 1749219. Name from telldus: Sovrum Buddha [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Creating accessory with ID 1749213. Name from telldus: Skymmningssensor Vardagsrum [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Creating accessory with ID 1749212. Name from telldus: Ringklocka Ytterdörr [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Creating accessory with ID 1749242. Name from telldus: Retropie [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Creating accessory with ID 1749211. Name from telldus: Kök Fönster [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Creating accessory with ID 1749209. Name from telldus: Hall Bänk [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Creating accessory with ID 1749206. Name from telldus: Dörrklocka [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Creating accessory with ID 1749172. Name from telldus: Alexandra Fönster [9/8/2017, 6:38:53 PM] [hemma] Creating accessory with ID 1749241. Name from telldus: Alexandra Fjärr [9/8/2017, 6:38:19 PM] [hemma] Found 19 devices in telldus live. [9/8/2017, 6:38:18 PM] [hemma] Creating accessory with ID 13482860. Name from telldus: Ute [9/8/2017, 6:38:18 PM] [hemma] Creating accessory with ID 13482859. Name from telldus: Källare [9/8/2017, 6:38:18 PM] [hemma] Creating accessory with ID 13481950. Name from telldus: Inne [9/8/2017, 6:38:18 PM] [hemma] Creating accessory with ID 13482739. Name from telldus: Garage [9/8/2017, 6:38:18 PM] [hemma] Creating accessory with ID 13481967. Name from telldus: Frys Kök [9/8/2017, 6:38:18 PM] [hemma] Device 13483132 has no name from telldus, ignoring [9/8/2017, 6:38:18 PM] [hemma] Found 6 sensors in telldus live. [9/8/2017, 6:38:18 PM] [hemma] Logged in with user: Load homebridge-harmonyhub.HarmonyHub [9/8/2017, 6:38:18 PM] Loading 0 accessories... [9/8/2017, 6:38:18 PM] [hemma] Loading accessories... [9/8/2017, 6:38:18 PM] [hemma] Initializing Telldus platform... [9/8/2017, 6:38:18 PM] Loading 1 platforms... [9/8/2017, 6:38:18 PM] --- [9/8/2017, 6:38:18 PM] Loaded config.json with 0 accessories and 1 platforms. [9/8/2017, 6:38:18 PM] --- [9/8/2017, 6:38:18 PM] Registering accessory 'homebridge-wol.Computer' [9/8/2017, 6:38:18 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-wol [9/8/2017, 6:38:17 PM] --- [9/8/2017, 6:38:17 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-tradfri.IkeaTradfri' [9/8/2017, 6:38:17 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-tradfri-plugin [9/8/2017, 6:38:17 PM] --- [9/8/2017, 6:38:17 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-telldus.Telldus' [9/8/2017, 6:38:17 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-telldus [9/8/2017, 6:38:17 PM] --- [9/8/2017, 6:38:17 PM] Registering accessory 'homebridge-people.people' [9/8/2017, 6:38:17 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-people [9/8/2017, 6:38:17 PM] --- [9/8/2017, 6:38:17 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-harmonyhub.HarmonyHub' [9/8/2017, 6:38:13 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-harmonyhub [9/8/2017, 6:37:56 PM] Got SIGTERM, shutting down Homebridge... [9/8/2017, 6:35:14 PM] Homebridge is running on port 51826.

│ 031-45-961 │     

Scan this code with your HomeKit App on your iOS device to pair with Homebridge: Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1749234, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }] [9/8/2017, 6:35:14 PM] [hemma] [Ytterdörr] Your device (model n/a, id 1749234) is not auto detected from telldus live. Please add the following to your config, under telldus platform (replace MODEL with a valid type, and optionally set manufacturer): [9/8/2017, 6:35:14 PM] [hemma] Initializing platform accessory 'Ytterdörr'... Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1749232, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }] [9/8/2017, 6:35:14 PM] [hemma] [Vinden] Your device (model n/a, id 1749232) is not auto detected from telldus live. Please add the following to your config, under telldus platform (replace MODEL with a valid type, and optionally set manufacturer): [9/8/2017, 6:35:14 PM] [hemma] Initializing platform accessory 'Vinden'... Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1749501, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }] [9/8/2017, 6:35:14 PM] [hemma] [Vardagsrum Trädgård] Your device (model n/a, id 1749501) is not auto detected from telldus live. Please add the following to your config, under telldus platform (replace MODEL with a valid type, and optionally set manufacturer): [9/8/2017, 6:35:14 PM] [hemma] Initializing platform accessory 'Vardagsrum Trädgård'... Valid models are: selflearning-switch, codeswitch, selflearning-dimmer, temperature, EA4C, temperaturehumidity, 1A2D, window-covering, switch "unknown_accessories": [{ "id": 1749229, "model": "MODEL", "manufacturer": "unknown" }]

SWEiNSANE commented 6 years ago

Does somebody have a clue for solving this or a solution?

mifi commented 6 years ago

Are these devices all switches? Then have you tried to add them to the config file with model selflearning-switch and see if that helps?

donjohann commented 6 years ago

I have the same issue with Telldus Tellstick ZNet Lite V2 (and beta testing). And it doesen't work with unknown_accessories at all. Cant set the acessories to any model or even"disabled": true to ignore them. The are "not supported" in HomeKit. The temp-sensors work though.

iZac85 commented 6 years ago

I have the same issue switching from Telldus Tellstick Net V1 to Telldus Tellstick ZNet Lite V1. None of my switches or contact sensors are detected automatically when I add them to my ZNet so I have to add a manual entry in unknown_accessories for every device. Not a big issue but quite annoying :)

mwiktor commented 6 years ago

Same issue here since I moved from Tellstick net to Tellstick ZNet v2. Have also tired with new-service branch with the latest commits (npm i -g jchnlemon/homebridge-telldus#new-services). Still no luck. Very sad to not have a working solution with Z-Wave at the moment. Have tired defining every device in config. Still not working except for temperature devices. Is this a bug specifically for Znet v2? Any other suggestions?

adron1111 commented 6 years ago

I have a Tellstick ZNet v2 and ran into the same problem. To solve it, add "type" : "device" to your devices in unknown_accessories, example:

"unknown_accessories": [
    { "local_id": 5, "model": "selflearning-dimmer", "manufacturer": "Nexa", "type": "device" },
mifi commented 6 years ago

I don't quite understand what's the problem is here. Is it specific to local api? is it specific to ZNet v2?

bossehirsch commented 6 years ago

Something Had changed from V1 to V2. I Have the tellstick net v1 and a v2. When i tried to switch to v2. No switches worked as you Can see in My log i shared.

Switched back to tellstick v1 and everything worked

adron1111 commented 6 years ago

getAccessories in index.js contains this code:

const deviceConfig = isLocal
   ? this.unknownAccessories.find(a => a.local_id == && ((!a.type && !device.type) || a.type === device.type))
   : this.unknownAccessories.find(a => ==

for local telldus, the condition checks that the id is same between the device and the config, and also that 'type' is either unset in both the config file and the device info or same in config file and device info.

My guess is that the ZNet v2 returns a value for 'type' for all switches, whereas the ZNet v1 does not. Then in order to match a switch device, you need to also specify the correct 'type' in unknown_accessories.

Maybe the condition is not what the programmer intended, possibly the programmer wanted to only check the device type if it was set in both the config file and the device info.

mwiktor commented 6 years ago

Thank you for pushing me in that direction. I now got it working. Had to do with two things. "type" needs to be in config (as also described in read me for new-services). My Fibaro Z-wave Motion/Light/Temperature sensor come up as two different sensors but with same ID. Got solved by adding two different entries in config but with same ID. The combined Temperature/Light sensor I configured as disabled. The motion sensor I got working by setting model to motion-sensor (I have the branch new-services installed). Good stuff!

SWEiNSANE commented 6 years ago

@mwiktor - could you post your config.json so I can check how you got it to work?