Closed whisperLiang closed 2 months ago
This is very odd. I'm getting the same error. The error message doesn't make any sense since buffer1 and buffer2 clearly have requires_grad set to False. Unfortunately I don't know what's going on, this seems like a PyTorch problem rather than a TorchLens problem. But as a workaround you can do the following:
model_history = tl.log_forward_pass(model, x, vis_opt='none', save_function_args=True)
bn = model_history[4]
Thanks for your answer, inspired by creation_args, I change buffer place as "y = bn.func_applied(x, bn.parent_params, buffer1, buffer2, bn.func_all_args_non_tensor)". I should keep this usage, because "x" is random, and I forward with "x"
Something meets wrong when I forward with batchnorm layer, Here is the code:
import torch import torchvision import torchlens as tl
model = torchvision.models.resnet18(pretrained=True) x = torch.rand(1, 3, 224, 224) model_history = tl.log_forward_pass(model, x, vis_opt='unrolled')
res = model_log_forward(model_history.layer_list, model_history, x)
bn = model_history[4] x = model_history[1].tensor_contents buffer1 = model_history[2].tensor_contents buffer2 = model_history[3].tensor_contents
buffer1.requires_grad = False
buffer2.requires_grad = False
y = bn.func_applied(x, buffer1, buffer2, bn.parent_params, bn.func_all_args_non_tensor) print(model_history)