johnnadratowski / golang-neo4j-bolt-driver

Golang Bolt driver for Neo4j
MIT License
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Can't run basic `conn, err := driver.OpenNeo("bolt://localhost:7687")` #28

Closed mttchrry closed 7 years ago

mttchrry commented 7 years ago

when I run the following lines of code with bolt "" imported :

driver := bolt.NewDriver() //neo4jUrl := "bolt://localhost:7687" conn, err := driver.OpenNeo("bolt://localhost:7687") if err != nil { return nil, err }

I get the error: An error occurred decoding ack failure message response Couldn't read expected bytes for message length. Read: 0 Expected: 2.

I'm on windows, and double checked my config that it should be 7687 for bolt connections. Any help?

mttchrry commented 7 years ago

yeah, didn't include username/password.. oops. Archaic response though.

AlexanderDaw commented 7 years ago

Why is the username / password connection pattern not documented anywhere?