johnnadratowski / golang-neo4j-bolt-driver

Golang Bolt driver for Neo4j
MIT License
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Different results between golang-neo4j-bolt-driver and browser #33

Closed ghost closed 7 years ago

ghost commented 7 years ago

MATCH (:Person {IDNumber:'123'})-[r*1..4]->(n:Institution)-[:located]->(l:Location) where all(r1 in r where type(r1)<>'tobedeleted') with l,n,r Optional MATCH(man2:Person)-[:workin{position:'worker'}]->(n),(man:Person {Identity:'Manager'})-[: workin]->(n) return n,l,r,man,man2

In the golang-neo4j-bolt-driver ,I got results without "man" and "man2";However,in Browser,I can get the correct results with these.It is a problem.

Additionally,if you change the cypher a little,for example, you change the cypher to this:

MATCH (:Person {IDNumber:'123'})-[r]->(n:Institution)-[:located]->(l:Location) Optional MATCH(man2:Person)-[:workin{position:'worker'}]->(n),(man:Person {Identity:'Manager'})-[: workin]->(n) return n,l,r,man,man2

it will work in both of them.It is a weird problem.