johnnesky / beepbox

An online tool for sketching and sharing instrumental melodies.
MIT License
756 stars 162 forks source link

Suggestion: Soundfont Importing #30

Open MarioGuyWasTaken opened 2 years ago

MarioGuyWasTaken commented 2 years ago

Will soundfont importing will be possible in BeepBox? Would be very useful instead of using the default ones.

johnnesky commented 2 years ago

Not in the foreseeable future, but some people recently made an altered version of BeepBox that can play uploaded samples:

Micasddsa commented 2 years ago

SF loading would probably take a lot of resources (especially if you are loading soundfonts like SGM or something like that.) so i don't think it's possible.

Mid-The-Modder commented 2 weeks ago

Soundfont exporting is expected to come to UltraBox sometime soon, so if it is desperately needed you can wait for that!