johnnesky / beepbox

An online tool for sketching and sharing instrumental melodies.
MIT License
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request: Supersaw de-randomizing using envelopes or other method to set value #73

Open icejix opened 9 months ago

icejix commented 9 months ago

So, it's not really the "dynamism" I want to change, but I want to be able to remove all the randomness from the song, so it sounds exactly the same every time I play it (predefined supersaw dynamism). I often do things where it is important that the track sounds the exact same coming from two places at once, but using the supersaw causes me to not be able to do that anymore. The supersaw sounds very nice, and I'd love to be able to use it, but in my scenario, it's impossible to use it properly.

One way this could be done is using a seeded random number generator instead, but that would also mean you can't alter it at all. You could also add an entirely new configuration editor for notes (e.g above the notes, having a supersaw changer), but I think that would probably be difficult and unnecessary. That is why I propose using envelopes, although if you have a better solution, that'd be nice too.

johnnesky commented 9 months ago

Interesting problem!

I take it you're not using spectrum or drum instruments? Those are currently randomized too.

Out of curiosity, could you tell me more about your use-case? Are you using BeepBox to synthesize music live, such that you're not able to just record a version and play that from multiple places at once?

icejix commented 9 months ago

Interesting problem!

I take it you're not using spectrum or drum instruments? Those are currently randomized too.

Out of curiosity, could you tell me more about your use-case? Are you using BeepBox to synthesize music live, such that you're not able to just record a version and play that from multiple places at once?

I actually have been using spectrum instruments as well, and have not noticed. It would be nice if this problem could be solved there too.

I am using BeepBox to create music for interfaces in a mid-late 2000s/early 2010s style UI. In old Nintendo consoles, such as the Wii U, music would often shift from one track to another (one containing drums, one containing a different melody, etc). Having it fade into a track with different randomization is noticeable.

I'd still like if the variables were editable in some way, sometimes I have a specific way I want the supersaw notes to sound like, but it's impossible to directly change them. A way to do that would be amazing, and would allow me to use this instrument.

icejix commented 9 months ago

@johnnesky Hello, will this be considered? I'd really like to use the supersaw in my music, at some point. I'm not expecting anything immediately, of course, but nothing else was brought up. I'd only like to know if my idea is going to change anything in the project. Thank you

johnnesky commented 9 months ago

Hi! It's a good suggestion, although I'm hesitant to add controls that would make BeepBox's interface more complex. I might consider just having deterministic phase based on note position, but I don't think I have free time right now to update BeepBox to support it.

You may be interested in Dogebox2, which has the feature that spectrum instruments have an initial phase that is determined by the note's time and pitch: Unfortunately it's based on a fork that hasn't been updated to include supersaw instruments.

Another workaround might be to mute all of the instrument channels except for the random ones that will be shared between tracks, export those once, and use another tool like Audacity to mix these with the rest of the instruments in the tracks that use them so that all of the tracks will be using the same rendering of the instruments.

icejix commented 9 months ago

Hi! It's a good suggestion, although I'm hesitant to add controls that would make BeepBox's interface more complex. I might consider just having deterministic phase based on note position, but I don't think I have free time right now to update BeepBox to support it.

You may be interested in Dogebox2, which has the feature that spectrum instruments have an initial phase that is determined by the note's time and pitch: Unfortunately it's based on a fork that hasn't been updated to include supersaw instruments.

Another workaround might be to mute all of the instrument channels except for the random ones that will be shared between tracks, export those once, and use another tool like Audacity to mix these with the rest of the instruments in the tracks that use them so that all of the tracks will be using the same rendering of the instruments.

Thanks for your quick response. This is unfortunate news for me, but maybe I will fork it myself and add the changes I'd like. Have a nice day!