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Driving Adoption #59

Open assertchris opened 10 years ago

assertchris commented 10 years ago

I've been thinking about adoption, and how we can help it along. It's crucial, for an application like ours, that people actually use it. One of the ways we do that is by sharing the snippets, and making them easy for others to share.

Another way we can help adoption is by making the app more appealing to use. This can take the form of simplifying the forms, adding third-party login/registration, adding an API or gamification.

We can also use (and promote the use of) the app in conference talks and tutorials/posts. This means we must do it first, and encourage others to do it second.

What are your thoughts on this?

johnnncodes commented 10 years ago

+1000 to your idea! :+1: :)