johnno1962 / GitDiff

Highlights deltas against git repo in Xcode
MIT License
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Allow disabling 'revert' button or set a custom delay or hold down ALT to show #50

Closed guidedways closed 8 years ago

guidedways commented 8 years ago

I've inadvertently clicked on the 'revert' button so many times as it immediately appears while I'm simply trying to click the gutter to set a breakpoint or close / show the block. There needs to be a setting to disable this or at least allow setting a delay or show when ALT is pressed on the keyboard. The way it is right now does horrendous damage. There should also be a confirmation prompt before reverting or a popup saying it reverted as many times I don't even know I clicked on it.

johnno1962 commented 8 years ago

Hi, I hear you. In some sense this was a feature too far. I’ve added a delay preference and a confirmation message which should avoid the worst case which is not knowing a change has been reverted!