johnno1962 / InjectionApp

Issue Tracking Repo for Injection as an App
MIT License
111 stars 7 forks source link

Symbol not found: __TWPVVs6Mirror14LegacyChildrens21RandomAccessIndexables #26

Open conanm opened 7 years ago

conanm commented 7 years ago

Crashes whenever I attempt to modify any UI on screen, otherwise injection works fine. In my injected() method I change a textlabel's text.

2017-04-15 15:52:28.542 cocoapodinjectiontest[7098:7325024] Injection attempting connection to:
2017-04-15 15:52:28.544 cocoapodinjectiontest[7098:7325024] Connected to "Injection" plugin, ready to load x86_64 code.

** File not recently modified. Did you save it? **
Compiling ~/cocoapodinjectiontest/cocoapodinjectiontest/IntroScreensViewController.swift
objc[7098]: Class _TtC21cocoapodinjectiontest26IntroScreensViewController is implemented in both ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/B2EE3751-1C81-497B-83F9-85DA97D7E366/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/3ADAF716-42EE-46D1-B1B6-8E0C4C3A9943/ (0x10dca28c0) and ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/cocoapodinjectiontest-hdowlvfojcwgwvhdwbogaxstazff/Logs/iOSInjectionProject/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/InjectionBundle2.bundle/InjectionBundle (0x124cff710). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
2 injections performed so far.
2017-04-15 15:52:33.362 cocoapodinjectiontest[7098:7324074] Ignore any warning, Swizzled cocoapodinjectiontest.IntroScreensViewController 0x124cff710 -> 0x10dca28c0
2017-04-15 15:52:33.383 cocoapodinjectiontest[7098:7324074] Error loading /Applications/  dlopen(/Applications/, 265): Symbol not found: __TWPVVs6Mirror14LegacyChildrens21RandomAccessIndexables
  Referenced from: /Applications/
  Expected in: ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/B2EE3751-1C81-497B-83F9-85DA97D7E366/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/3ADAF716-42EE-46D1-B1B6-8E0C4C3A9943/
 in /Applications/
2017-04-15 15:52:33.384 cocoapodinjectiontest[7098:7324074] Xprobe: Could not load XprobeSwift bundle for ivar 'Xprobe': /Applications/
johnno1962 commented 7 years ago

This is due to a minor change in Swift with 3.1 in Xcode 8.3. I’ve updloaded a new version of injection if you want to download which should fix this

conanm commented 7 years ago

can confirm this works/no longer crashes


johnno1962 commented 7 years ago

Lets leave this open for now in case others have this problem.