Closed oryonatan closed 11 months ago
Hi, thanks very much for spending the time on this. There is some very similar code at the end of though it no longer seems to work. My first impression is that I'd be reluctant to build something iOS 17 specific into the app for now but if you come up with a PR that is backward compatible I'll take a look after testing it out. As it stands I don't think the environment variable override variable is an entirely bad solution for the minority of people who are using device injection (which didn't even work 6 months ago though the number using it does seem to be steadily increasing.) Apologies in advance for the time you spend refactoring It's overdue for a rewrite.
no worries, seems like the current solution with multicasts no longer works, but this solution with broadcasts does work ... not sure why, I can try to dig into the current code and see if I can fix it.
I look forward to the reviewing it; You write quality C. I may have a try myself now you've suggested using broadcast instead of multicast addresses.
hi @johnno1962 seems like this idea have some issues:
A colleague of mine suggested looking at the Peertalk library and try using it instead, looking at the library and the examples.
Am I right to assume that all of the communication in Injection/Hotreloading is done by the SimpleSocket
file is that right?
seems like behind the scenes, all of the network code there boils down to this method:
- (BOOL)perform:(io_func)io ofBytes:(const void *)buffer
length:(size_t)length cmd:(SEL)cmd {
size_t rd, ptr = 0;
SLog(@"#%d %s %lu [%p] %s", clientSocket, io == read ?
"<-" : "->", length, buffer, sel_getName(cmd));
while (ptr < length &&
(rd = io(clientSocket, (char *)buffer+ptr, length-ptr)) > 0)
ptr += rd;
if (ptr < length) {
NSLog(@"[%@ %s:%p length:%lu] error: %lu %s",
self, sel_getName(cmd), buffer, length, ptr, strerror(errno));
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
so maybe we can re-implement it over their network stack?
Hi again, my first impression is I'd be reluctant to change the network "stack" at this stage so I'd be wanting to try other alternatives first. I also note that project hasn't been updated for three years which is either very good or very not good when one is thinking of adopting it. I've a tried few simple broadcast things this morning but the problem is getting the local address(es) of the device to construct the broadcast addresses to try. I'll try a bit harder later on unless you can suggest other alternatives. Thanks for continuing to look into this. It would be nice to find a better solution for devices.
I haven't found any easy solutions to device discovery. I may try dusting off some old "Bonjour" code tomorrow but unless that suddenly starts working (I think I've already tried it) I'll probably be leaving things as they are unless you present something both functional and compatible. This is a niche requirement for which there are already workarounds.
@johnno1962 have you looked into Multipeer Connectivity
Or the Network.framework -
Thanks @zenangst, I tried Bonjour but couldn't get some very old code to work from a phone though it's probably the "right" way to do this. I gave up too soon though, in end I went back and got the broadcasting code above to work instead of trying to use multicast groups. @oryonatan, can you update to the latest release candidate and HotReloading, "filelist" branch and give it a try for me please?
Erk, I just saw the following which is probably why Bonjour didn't work:
Important Apps that use the local network must provide a usage string in their Info.plist with the key NSLocalNetworkUsageDescription. Apps that use Bonjour must also declare the services they browse, using the NSBonjourServices key.
Think we probably want to avoid having to ask users to do that though.
I've updated the filelist
branch to be a little more flexible in how it tries to connect. I have a slightly unusual home network where my dev machine is not directly on our Wi-Fi network which works better using the hostname from Package.swift. For most people though the broadcast option will be more reliable so it now tries both.
Hi, just checked out the code at filelist
at home, connected the iPhone and the development device into the different networks and it seems like it works perfectly 🎉
I will check back tomorrow at office, and see if this still works with under our office IT constraints.
Just wanted to update that I checked and seems to also work with one small caveat - if the device is connected to wifi the initial broadcast will fail to find the host
also - you need to set up the INJECTION_DAEMON
flag for this to work.
I don't know about the INJECTION_DAEMON thing but are you sure the InjectionIII app you're running is the latest release candidate (build 7889 which you can see by hovering over the "Quit InjectionIII" menu item")? Otherwise it will still be waiting for a multicast.
I've made some progress this end understanding what's going on with being/not being able to connect. In Xcode 14.3 I need to enable Wi-Fi on my dev machine and have broadcasts find a way to connect. If I use Xcode 15 and unplug and reconnect my phone the network becomes active over USB and it can find a route to my host by resolving its hostname provided by HotReloading's Package.swift. This resolves what was a mystery for me how on earth the phone was able to connect to my dev machine which effectively has its own network; It is using the 169.254 network (though broadcasts on this network don't seem to work by themselves). It tries all three possibilities now in parallel and the first that resolves becomes the injection client.
I've just pushed a couple of aesthetic tweaks to the filelist
branch if you want to update and make sure you're running the most recent release candidate of the from yesterday. Sorry I didn't explicitly mention that!
Hi - regarding version - I've compiled it myself from commit 368ca02 - Multicast becomes Broadcast.
So what is the current situation? It works but only if you define an environment variable INJECTION_DAEMON
I've pushed a commit to the InjectionIII repo picking up the most recent HotReloading changes.
broadcast seems to work over USB in XCode 15 and iOS17 when
Connecting the iPhone to another wifi (different than the dev machine) causes this to stop working (although I do gent the printed message of Broadcasting
(I suppose connecting them to the same network will also work, but didn't check that)
(also I think that the INJECTION_DAEMON
flag is redundant, this seems to work anyway)
Regarding what is going on - I tried running wireshark on the dev machine and saw this:
if (sendto(multicastSocket, &msgbuf, sizeof msgbuf, 0,
(struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0) {
is called I see a UDP packet originating from the iPhone on the host machine
Ah, the irony of a configuration that is only able to connect when Wi-Fi is turned off on the device! Probably to do with "service order" where it chooses which interface to route the request through, though it should be sending out the request on all interfaces. With Wi-Fi switched off is your app able to use the internet of your dev machine via NAT or the cellular connection, i.e. do vanilla network requests inside the app work? Is there a reason why you can't connect your dev machine and phone to the same network? Otherwise, broadcasts don't help us.
to use a specific interface ... it seems like in Linux there is an SO_BINDTODEVICE
option for a socket, and FreeBSD should have an IP_SENDIF
option, but I think it is not available in Darwin, so maybe something else will work.maybe this will work:
ok this code snippet seems to work, just need to find out which interface to use
[self forEachInterface:^(in_addr_t laddr, in_addr_t nmask) {
// uint32_t Anet = ntohl(laddr) >> 24;
// if (Anet == 127 || Anet == 10) return;
struct ifaddrs *ifaddr, *ifa;
int family, s;
if (getifaddrs(&ifaddr) == -1) {
/* Walk through linked list, maintaining head pointer so we can free list later */
for (ifa = ifaddr; ifa != NULL; ifa = ifa->ifa_next) {
if (ifa->ifa_addr == NULL)
family = ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family;
/* Display interface name and family (including IPv4 or IPv6) */
printf("%s\tAF_%s\n", ifa->ifa_name,
(family == AF_INET) ? "INET" :
(family == AF_INET6) ? "INET6" : "UNKNOWN");
int idx = if_nametoindex(ifa->ifa_name);
setsockopt(multicastSocket, IPPROTO_IP, IP_BOUND_IF, &idx, sizeof(idx) );
addr.sin_addr.s_addr = laddr | ~nmask;
printf("Broadcasting %s\n", inet_ntoa(addr.sin_addr));
if (sendto(multicastSocket, &msgbuf, sizeof msgbuf, 0,
(struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0) {
[self error:@"Could not send multicast ping: %s"];
Interesting, Thanks for that! I've pushed a commit to filelist branch to use if_nametoindex().
seems to work for me now on commit * c9674e5 -Use if_nametoindex - John Holdsworth (HEAD, origin/filelist)
I just wanted to add that I really appreciate what you are doing here, thanks!
Thanks for your help and raising this issue in the first place! Don't be afraid to mention to your boss he can sponsor me on github if this all pans out.. I could see the broadcast to 169.254 getting through now with your change. Are we good now then? I'll take the opportunity to make the multicastHash which distinguishes between users a little more unique since multicast/broadcast are incomparable anyway and roll a new release candidate for you later.
Thanks for your help and raising this issue in the first place! Don't be afraid to mention to your boss he can sponsor me on github if this all pans out.. I could see the broadcast to 169.254 getting through now with your change. Are we good now then? I'll take the opportunity to make the multicastHash which distinguishes between users a little more unique since multicast/broadcast are incomparable anyway and roll a new release candidate for you later.
We are good!
regarding sponsoring, I will ask for it!
I've merged the filelist branch onto HotReloading main, you'll need to download the latest release candidate to work with it.
Hi @johnno1962
First thing - regarding sponsorship, we had a bit of a technical issues with Sponsoring using the company Gihub enterprise account - but I think they managed to solve it - you should see something from LightricksSponsors I think :).
Another thing - we previously used to work with Injection by loading the injection binary bundle, this is easier for us then using SPM + Hotreloading, as this means that 1. we can internally deploy our binary injection bundle and control when it is loaded 2. We don't have to use SPM - and it seems like in SPM it is complicated to include Hotreloading just in Debug builds.
It seems like when using injection this way - by loading a bundle, the fixes you added here don't really work on device, I am getting a Injection bundle loaded but could not connect. Is running?
So is there a way to make the broadcast trick work also when loading a bundle? or alternatively is there an easy way to make Hotreloading be added to the app only on debug builds (seems like SPM does not support debug only packages)
Hi, thanks for the sponsorship (twice)! It's appreciated and helps keep motivation up. Unfortunately there is no way to include HotReloading only on Debug builds though I have raised various radars about this. For me the easiest way to do this would be to be able to use #if DEBUG in the Package.swift but you can't alas.
You can't load the bundle on a device as it isn't on the file system of your phone so for device injection you have to use the HotReloading project. This also allows the Package.swift to build the hostname of your development Mac into the executable which is one way other than broadcasts to facilitate device discovery.
oh, but we can load the bundle on a device, simply by adding a build script that copies the bundle, we have something like this:
codesign -f --sign "$EXPANDED_CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY" --timestamp\=none --preserve-metadata\=identifier,entitlements,flags --generate-entitlement-der "$BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR/$FULL_PRODUCT_NAME/iOSInjection.bundle/Frameworks/SwiftTrace.framework/SwiftTrace"
codesign -f --sign "$EXPANDED_CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY" --timestamp\=none --preserve-metadata\=identifier,entitlements,flags --generate-entitlement-der "$BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR/$FULL_PRODUCT_NAME/iOSInjection.bundle"
defaults write com.johnholdsworth.InjectionIII "$PROJECT_FILE_PATH" $EXPANDED_CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY
Very interesting! And it loads despite being built for the simulator? I guess it wouldn't take much to change to attempt the device connecting even in the bundle. I'll take a quick look. Thanks for all these ideas. Keep 'em coming...
well, it works but I am using few hacks that @byohay made to make it work on device, I'll check if I can send you his changes
this is his commit that made the bundle build for iPhone
You're ahead of me here. I've been using the maciOSInjection.bundle which almost works.
The changes you need to make to try connecting from the bundle are:, line 61: #if !defined(INJECTION_III_APP) || 1 <<- enable the code., line 359: if (//[self multicastHash] == msgbuf.hash && <<- comment out and rebuild the >app<
With these changes it might work but I've only been able to get a program with the maciOS bundle to run once and now I'm getting weird errors from the device. This leaves the problem of how to distinguish between more than one developer on a network sending broadcasts which is what the "multicastHash" is all about.
OK, I've been able to see this working by making the following changes and using the "maciOSInjection.bundle":
diff --git a/Sources/HotReloadingGuts/ b/Sources/HotReloadingGuts/
index 44a6475..48a2a30 100644
--- a/Sources/HotReloadingGuts/
+++ b/Sources/HotReloadingGuts/
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ + (void)tryConnect:(Class)clientClass {
APP_PREFIX"And have typed: defaults write com.johnholdsworth.InjectionIII deviceUnlock any\n";
BOOL isVapor = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, VAPOR_SYMBOL) != nullptr;
-#if !defined(INJECTION_III_APP)
+#if !defined(INJECTION_III_APP) || 1
BOOL isiOSAppOnMac = false;
if (@available(iOS 14.0, *)) {
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ + (void)tryConnect:(Class)clientClass {
injectionHost = [clientClass
message:APP_PREFIX"Connecting to %s (%s)...\n"];
- socketAddr = [injectionHost stringByAppendingString:socketAddr];
+ socketAddr = [injectionHost stringByAppendingString:@HOTRELOADING_PORT];
if (injectionClient)
diff --git a/Sources/HotReloadingGuts/ b/Sources/HotReloadingGuts/
index 001bad0..04bd902 100644
--- a/Sources/HotReloadingGuts/
+++ b/Sources/HotReloadingGuts/
@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@
@implementation SimpleSocket
+static BOOL isConnected;
+ (int)error:(NSString *)message {
NSLog([@"%@/" stringByAppendingString:message],
self, strerror(errno));
@@ -98,6 +100,7 @@ + (void)runServer:(NSString *)address {
if (v4Addr->sin_addr.s_addr == addr)
client.isLocalClient = TRUE;
+ isConnected = TRUE;
[client run];
@@ -274,6 +277,7 @@ - (BOOL)writeCommand:(int)command withString:(NSString *)string {
- (void)dealloc {
+ isConnected = FALSE;
@@ -356,7 +360,7 @@ + (void)multicastListen:(NSNumber *)socket {
[self multicastHash], msgbuf.hash);
gethostname(, sizeof;
- if ([self multicastHash] == msgbuf.hash &&
+ if (!isConnected &&//[self multicastHash] == msgbuf.hash &&
sendto(multicastSocket, &msgbuf, sizeof msgbuf, 0,
(struct sockaddr *)&addr, addrlen) < sizeof msgbuf) {
[self error:@"Could not send to multicast: %s"];
diff --git a/Sources/injectiond/DeviceServer.swift b/Sources/injectiond/DeviceServer.swift
index 9076f2a..67b335b 100644
--- a/Sources/injectiond/DeviceServer.swift
+++ b/Sources/injectiond/DeviceServer.swift
@@ -21,8 +21,14 @@ class DeviceServer: InjectionServer {
override func validateConnection() -> Bool {
- return readInt() == HOTRELOADING_SALT &&
- readString()?.hasPrefix(NSHomeDirectory()) == true
+ switch readInt() {
+ return readString() == INJECTION_KEY
+ return readString()?.hasPrefix(NSHomeDirectory()) == true
+ default:
+ return false
+ }
Need to think a little more about how to distinguish clients and the other changes I had to make but this looks promising. The weird device problems I could only resolve by performing a full Archive/Notarise build cycle.
this seems to work on the private iOS17 USB based network 🎉
GM @oryonatan, I've pushed this idea through to its conclusion and released a new release candidate from branch dev-bundle
. The contains a new script
which you use instead of the build phase you mentioned to copy the bundle into the app package and codesign it. I've updated the README on that branch but it's still a bit ragged. Would you like to give the new release candidate a try and let me know how you get on? I was able to differentiate users by writing the user's home directory into the Info.plist of the copied bundle in the finish.
thanks @johnno1962, I'll check this version out
Hi! it works!
I didn't check the
script though
Happy to hear it though I don't quite know how it can be working using broadcasts if you're not using the script. It must have found another way!
Just a totally random thought and maybe doesn't even apply, but couldn't help to notice the correlation. Lots of people have started getting problems with REALLY slow debuggers after iOS 17 just because they enforce the use of this private network between the phone and the mac. And the only way to speed it up is to disable the wifi when debugging.
And then you notice this behaviour where there's no IP assigned when you enable the wifi. Coincidence? Here a thread of it being discussed:
Hi @johnno1962 I have an enhancement suggestion for the app, that can really help me, I've ran a POC for that and it seems to work.
Currently when you try to use injection on a device, the device tries to find the connected computer using multiple methods, which alas in my organization all fail - as we have our iOS devices running on different subnet than our mac developer machines.
In iOS17, Apple introduced a new feature that creates a private network between each iOS device connected via USB, and the connected developer machine.
I tried making Injection connect via vs network, but faced an issue where the iPhone was not able to find the ip address of the developer machine.
Hardcoding the developer machine ip address does work, but this is an APIPA random address that is regenerated every time the cable is reconnected, so this is quite complex to manage, and requires me to add a build phase that changes the app code to hardcode the ip address on every rebuild.
There is another option however - that I did manage to get working - which is to open a port on the developer machine that responds to UDP broadcast, and than send a UDP broadcast from Injection code, recognizing the mac host ip by its response.
I've tested this code, and indeed it works and enables the iPhone to detect the developer machine over the private network:
On the developer machine - I ran the following python server:
In the iPhone side - I added this code to the
fileFinally - I changed
const char *envHost = find_devices();
toconst char *envHost = find_devices();
As this POC seems to work - my enhancement suggestion is to add a server to the InjectionIII app that will respond to UDP broadcasts, and adding a code in
that'll utilize this server to find the development machine IP.Thanks!