johnno1962 / injectionforxcode

Runtime Code Injection for Objective-C & Swift
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Error loading, Can't work on Xcode 10, Mojave. #264

Closed VisualEcho closed 5 years ago

VisualEcho commented 5 years ago

Error loading /Applications/ dlopen(/Applications/, 265)

I used Xcode 10, Mojave.

I have download a version for Xcode 10, but it doesn't work.

johnno1962 commented 5 years ago

You need the new version downloadable from or wait a few days for the new version to make it to the App Store. If you have already downloaded it, in what way doesn’t work. Is it giving any error message?

VisualEcho commented 5 years ago

Yeap, I downloaded this new version and tried again. The error message:

2018-09-30 16:44:58.293290+0800 newUIFeature[16607:772619] Error loading /Applications/ dlopen(/Applications/, 265): Symbol not found: __T0BOWV Referenced from: /Applications/ Expected in: /Users/chenxiang/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/A3E82847-3CA9-4114-8B09-6C31874A1060/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/DDC4EAD0-335F-4826-B6B8-FA6E4CDEDD1A/ in /Applications/

johnno1962 commented 5 years ago

Did you change the path in your AppDelegate to /Applications/ ?

VisualEcho commented 5 years ago

OK, got it , I still used the path "/Applications/" It works now. Thank you very much.