johnno1962 / injectionforxcode

Runtime Code Injection for Objective-C & Swift
MIT License
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cant work on mojava/ xcode 10.6 ?? #265

Closed showtestlog closed 3 years ago

showtestlog commented 5 years ago

help! we I set it and save the file i change, I see the injection app become green. and not change my app. and show the below log:

Injection connected, watching /Users/qbc/Desktop/testinject/ ** Compiling /Users/qbc/Desktop/testinject/testinject/FirstViewController.m Loading .dylib - Ignore any duplicate class warning... objc[33982]: Class FirstViewController is implemented in both /Users/qbc/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/4EF71D92-D5A2-4E97-870C-7EACA3456467/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/A86226D1-9E93-4B8B-AB0C-9104E198FCCA/ (0x10c542e90) and /Users/qbc/Library/Containers/com.johnholdsworth.InjectionIII/Data/eval111.dylib (0x12abe9170). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.

have two Class ????