johnpallag / MashedPotatoRacoons

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Milestone 3 feedback #2

Open kandarpksk opened 7 years ago

kandarpksk commented 7 years ago

Write comments below, not in a separate thread.

Clairvoyantx commented 7 years ago


Phillip: I like the idea of using the maps to simulate a virus infection, sounds pretty entertaining! From the storyboard, it appears that Epidemic Go relies on the user's previously tracked and current locations to create some simulation of a virus infection. However, how does the user interact with the virus? And how does the virus, using the user's location data, spread to other areas?

Siyu: I like the concept of the app, but it does sound quite similar to the concept of Plague Inc. except with a multiplayer aspect. I see potential for this game as if a competition aspect is added, people will find it entertaining. I wish you guys gave more info on how the virus is created, how the user can control the virus, whether the user can create the virus, etc.

Ricky: I like how the app takes into account both your current and past locations. It sounds like a fun idea to implement, but you would have to take many different factors into account. How long would the app be tracking your location? Since it's a web app, would it be able to consistently track one's location? Will viruses counteract each other? Would they start at different locations or the same? If you handle all of these cases, sounds like it'll be a great app!

Arvin Dagoc: I like the virus spreading idea and it works perfectly with a map/geo related app as it makes the map a center function. I think it would be cool seeing different virus's spread throughout a map. I wish, there was more of a need other than it would be a fun app to play and go back to. Perhaps integrate learning within the app, like base the viruses on real life, and make their spread realistic, that way while having fun, it serves a side need of learning more about viruses.

tiffallen commented 7 years ago

A6: Strawberry Jam:

Jimmy: I wish: I wish that this game is able to retain users for a long period of time, i'm not too sure what would make me keep opening the app after seeing the simulation once. I wish that it was possible for the user to rely more on a map when using the app, right now it seems like the app will just track your current and past locations and perform a calculation based on those. I wish that Epidemic Go can stand out when compared to other similar apps. I like: That this is a fun take on the map-related apps we have in class, seems very interesting. I like how the prediction will be relatable to the user since it is based on the actual traveling tendencies of the user.

Jason: I wish: The problem that games often have is maintaining its user base. It would be nice if there was a way to keep users coming back. What happens after you infect the whole world? I like: I like the concept behind this game. It reminds me of a couple other games (sort of a combination of Pandemic and Zombies, Run!). I also like the competition aspect of the game, and the fact that you can also just play solo if your friends don’t play.

Tiffany: I wish: I don’t know the draw of this app idea towards the common user.. What would make people keep coming back to this app? It doesn’t seem so as much as a game as an application that tracks your movements while the application is open. If a user has a set routine, what would the appeal of having this app open (and using data and battery time) when they don’t really interact much when it is open? Additionally, if the majority of people stay in the same areas, I feel like there will be a plateau affect on the “spread” of the disease and the spreading will slow down (further diminishing the appeal of the app). I like: This is a very interesting idea! I like that it encourages movement and traveling around where the user lives (and potentially beyond). I like that it takes the core idea of Plague Inc. and makes it mulitiplayer.

Stephanie: I wish: I wish the features were a bit more detailed on how the features would add to the game and work together. I also am a bit unsure if it was multiplayer, would it still be playable if not that many people were playing at once, or if no one in your area was playing? Also I wish we got more information on how your viruses are growing or infecting others, do you just level up your own virus? Are you playing as a virus? Or are you also a playable human that can infect/be infected? If you are infected do you die? I like: At first I was concerned that it would be too similar to Plauge Inc the game, but I think the multiplayer feature would differentiate it. I also like how the work is split up showing that real thought was put into each person's role, so there is no confusion. I think the idea is really interesting and has a lot of promise but needs to be fleshed out more to get an understanding of the game :)

alok-sm commented 7 years ago

TA feedback.

I'm not sure if you want to do the simulations. It adds unnecessary complexity. Keep it simple and real-time.