'tap' operator was moved to /operators sub folder in #RxJS.
This fixes the imports when using the logging interceptor snippet
Fixes issue #106, RxJS tap operator moved to /operators folder
a-http-interceptor-logging snippet has bad import of tap operator
How to Test
use the a-http-interceptor snippet on a project with RxJS 6.0.0 or higher
What to Check
Verify that the following are valid
Three imports should be added to the top of the snippet instead of just two
-- Various HTTP classes from '@angular/common/http'
-- Observable from rxjs
-- tap from 'rxjs/operators'
'tap' operator was moved to /operators sub folder in #RxJS. This fixes the imports when using the logging interceptor snippet
How to Test
What to Check
Verify that the following are valid
-- tap from 'rxjs/operators'