johnpaulett / django-durationfield

Temporary reusable Django application for adding a DurationField, until Django issue #2443 is resolved.
67 stars 24 forks source link

Missed 1.3 feature deadline. Will it become core? #3

Closed Semprini closed 13 years ago

Semprini commented 13 years ago

Just wondering if anyone knows if it's lethargy or strategy that caused this to be overlooked for 1.3...

jezdez commented 13 years ago

Just wondering if anyone knows if it's lethargy or strategy that caused this ticket to sound like a message from a troll...

johnpaulett commented 13 years ago

I have not pushed the original issue from my side, as this side-project is fulfilling my needs. I am happy to help try to get this code applied to the Django trunk if you want to take the lead on pinging django-developers.

johnpaulett commented 13 years ago

After talking to a few Django core developers at PyCon, it sounds keeping as a standalone, reusable app is still preferable. A few reasons

I am more than happy to help with an effort to resubmit this application as a patch to Django if there is community interested, however it sounds like most users prefer it as a reusable application.