johnpbloch / wordpress

A fork of WordPress with Composer support added. Branches, tags, and trunk synced from upstream every 15 minutes.
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How quickly does the automated update of this occur? #7

Closed conatus closed 9 years ago

conatus commented 9 years ago

Thanks for this great resource.

Automatic just pushed a security update, how quickly before I can grab it from Composer?

conatus commented 9 years ago

It already happened, my bad. Hmmmm.

johnpbloch commented 9 years ago

For what it's worth, there are 2 things at play in getting a new release out:

This repository tracks the svn repo at That repo gets updated upstream by the core team, but tags don't get synced immediately. Sometimes it takes them an hour or two to sync tags. On top of that, my update script runs on a 15 minute cron schedule, so that could add up to 15 minutes of delay even after the tags have been synced.

I have plans to rewrite the update script to use to tag releases with only a 15 minute maximum delay and also to alias the master branch to the next release dev branch as discussed in #6.

johnpbloch commented 9 years ago

For now, if point releases are important enough to get more quickly than the tagged release lag permits, I'd advise using the dev branch for that major version (e.g. 4.2.x-dev).