johnpierson / Relay

Relay allows for you to add Dynamo graphs to your Revit ribbon.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Feature Request - Support Subfolders for Revit versions #21

Open johnpierson opened 2 months ago

johnpierson commented 2 months ago

Based on the comment from @staylor0611 on #17

johnpierson commented 2 months ago

So we would have a new structure that looks like this: image

and inside each folder are the DYNs (tested and working in each Revit version): image

What is really really cool about this methodology is we can potentially support package management on this free version with this structure. We would essentially require one more folder within the version folders called packages, and when Relay runs, it will set that path as your current package path.

staylor0611 commented 2 months ago

That would be great, if you could work out the menus by version! I wrote a comment about the packages, but after re-reading your last statement, I understand now.

brencass commented 2 months ago

I would suggest splitting this into packages and Toolbar then into Revit versions.

Just in case any toolbar scripts need to have a folder called packages then things wont get mixed up.

johnpierson commented 2 months ago

I am leaning towards using something like _packages, which would then be a "reserved" word. I don't want to go too deep into nested folders.

johnpierson commented 2 months ago

This would also mark a 2.x version of Relay as this is a major change

staylor0611 commented 2 months ago

Completely understandable about the new version. I think by having specific folders named for each version of Revit they are for with a packages subfolder under each, 2021/packages, 2022/packages, etc. That's complex enough to help keep everything separated. Any type of personal customizations above and beyond this, would be icing on the cake.