johnpolacek / imagefill.js

The jQuery plugin for making images fill their containers (and be centered)
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Suggestion: target specific img #13

Closed PatrikElfstrom closed 9 years ago

PatrikElfstrom commented 9 years ago

I needed to target a specific img and not all img

$('#header-section .image-container').imagefill({
    target: '.image'

And I modded the imagefill.js and added filter( on all places where the img is targeted.

zumwalt commented 9 years ago

This would indeed be a nice feature.

mediamix commented 9 years ago

Thank you, @PatrikElfstrom for sharing your solution. It's exactly what I was looking for.

johnpolacek commented 9 years ago

I do accept pull requests! :)

johnpolacek commented 9 years ago

Turns out I need this for a project myself. Done!

mediamix commented 9 years ago

Nice! Works a treat. Thanks @johnpolacek