johnpolacek / scrolldeck.js

jQuery plugin for making scrolling presentation decks
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Multiple anchor links #5

Open Moen opened 12 years ago

Moen commented 12 years ago

Apart from using the main navigation with anchor link and class "nav-button" in the header, i want to be able to use anchor links through out the body that slide to different parts of the body, if i apply just an anchor to a link it doest scroll and if i apply the "nav-button" class with anchor link the top header navigation button indicators don't work, any clue?

garabedium commented 11 years ago

Running into the same issue. It really limits the usefulness of the tool if you can't set up anchor links within the slides themselves.

kenio commented 10 years ago

Same issue here, i would like to have one anchor on logo, few in nav and one or two inside slides. overall sliding works well with .nav-button, but if i make few anchors, 'current' class in navigation stop working. For me, that issue is one of few things to make scrolldeck perfect script :)

I would appreciate any help. Regards,