johnpolacek / scrollorama

The jQuery plugin for doing cool scrolly stuff. NOTE: No longer under active development. New version is ScrollMagic.js
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Firefox - Pin Issues Full Page Apps #46

Open bretmorris opened 10 years ago

bretmorris commented 10 years ago

Hey there. First of all thanks for the plugin. This is almost exactly what I was looking for & has made my life 10x simpler. I am just experiencing an issue in FF v 24.0 (latest).

I am utilizing the pin feature to build a full-screen (height/width of viewport) website. Essentially, I pin sections to the top and then wipe over each section on scroll (similar to the demo on your website). This produces a pretty cool panel-like effect.

This works perfectly on Chrome and Safari but has some issues in FF:

The larger problem...

Any thoughts / solutions?


bretmorris commented 10 years ago

@johnpolacek not sure if this is helpful but I was able to resolve this issue for my project.

I simply set the height of the container element to equal the duration of the pin + the height of the viewport. Hope this helps. Thanks again for the plugin!