johnpolacek / superscrollorama

The original jQuery plugin for supercool scroll animation. NOTE: No longer under active development. New version is ScrollMagic.js
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Animations getting stuck in chromium #78

Closed adityashankert closed 11 years ago

adityashankert commented 11 years ago

when i am using the following code the animations are getting stuck chromium browser but working fine in firefox

var controller;
    $(document).ready(function() {
        controller = $.superscrollorama({triggerAtCenter: true,
            playoutAnimations: true
        });$('#anime-div'), 4000, {
                    onPin: function() {                     
                    onUnpin: function() {


The anime-div is 'section'

and i want to know one more thing when i am using the above animation the div is going to the top of page and comming back to 100px but how can i stop it at 100px and start the animation?

adityashankert commented 11 years ago

This issue is already raised #29 i have followed your workaround and it worked. Thanks

janpaepke commented 11 years ago

You're welcome. :)

regards, J

adityashankert commented 11 years ago

Dude i have one more issue i have an same page anchor which will refer to an element which is a part of animation. But that is not working it is creating some wierd issues. Can you tell me how to do this (it should fastforward the anime and should stop at the req element)

janpaepke commented 11 years ago

Dude, here's how I'd approach it: If you want the animation played you need to simulate scrolling instead of the regular behaviour of an anchor (which is jumping to it). So check out: the Greensock Scroll Plugin:

Then I would replace the default action of any or all anchors with scrolling to it instead of jumping to it. Something like this (untested):

$("a[href^=#]").each(function(e) {
     var offset = $(this).offset();, 2, {scrollTo:{}, ease:Power2.easeOut});

Hope this helps! :) have fun, Jan

adityashankert commented 11 years ago

hi Jan, Unfortunatly it is not working. i used the following code

$('#anchorDiv').click(function(e) {
     var offset = $('#TargetDiv').offset();, 2, {scrollTo:{}, ease:Power2.easeOut});

i am getting the following error

NS_ERROR_XPC_NOT_ENOUGH_ARGS: Not enough arguments [nsIDOMWindow.scrollTo]

Please help me with this issue .... This is the last task for completion of my project :(

pls help me ASAP.

thanks, aditya

janpaepke commented 11 years ago


$('#anchorDiv').click(function(e) {
     var offset = $('#TargetDiv').offset();, 2, {scrollTo:{,x:0}, ease:Power2.easeOut});
adityashankert commented 11 years ago

Not working i guess bug with TweenLite :(

adityashankert commented 11 years ago

I finally fixed the issue by using the following code :) This can be done by embedding the following code snippets

1.add label on your timeline


2.add this onclick event

$(a).click(function(e) {
      <Timeline_id>.gotoAndPlay(label, false);
janpaepke commented 11 years ago

All right cool! And you're right it does seem like a bug in TweenMax. Also some googling suggested that it's not an issue for all browsers... Anyway - I'm gonna close this. Glad all worked out for you.

regards, Jan