johnreylayague / point-of-sale-project

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FEAT-0: As a developer, I need to create a project plan #7

Open johnreylayague opened 6 months ago

johnreylayague commented 6 months ago


This issue focuses on creating a project plan for developing the POS store application. The project plan will outline the tasks, resources, timelines, and milestones required to successfully complete the development process.

User Story:

As a developer, I understand the importance of a well-defined project plan to guide the development process. By creating a project plan, I can ensure that the development team stays organized and on track to meet project deadlines.

Acceptance Criteria:

Related Tasks:

Additional Information:

johnreylayague commented 6 months ago

Brief Description:

This proposed POS system aims to streamline the sales process, manage inventory effectively, and generate insightful reports for the owner, admin, manager, and cashier at the store. It will provide a user-friendly interface for processing transactions, managing inventory, and accessing reports.

Problem Statement:

The store currently does not have a system in place, leading to errors and inefficiencies. Challenges include managing inventory, tracking sales, and generating accurate reports. The lack of a centralized system hampers decision-making and leads to inefficiencies in the sales process.

Technology Stack:

The system will be developed using the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) stack to ensure scalability and maintainability.

Objectives of the System:

This POS system aims to provide a comprehensive solution for managing sales transactions and inventory while enhancing the overall customer experience. The system's objectives include:

  1. Efficiency: Streamline the sales process to improve efficiency and reduce transaction times.
  2. User-Friendly Interface: Develop an intuitive interface that is easy for cashiers and managers to use, minimizing training time and errors.
  3. Inventory Management: Implement robust inventory management features to track stock levels, manage reordering, and prevent stock outs.
  4. Sales Reporting: Generate detailed sales reports to provide insights into sales trends, product performance, and customer behavior.
  5. Data Security: Ensure that customer and transaction data are secure and protected from unauthorized access.
  6. Real-Time Information: Provide real-time information on sales and inventory levels to enable quick decision-making.
  7. Promotions and Discounts: Easily manage promotions, discounts, and loyalty programs to drive sales and reward customers.
  8. Payment Flexibility: Support multiple payment methods, including cash, credit/debit cards, and mobile payments, to accommodate customer preferences.

POS System Objectives

  1. Maintain Records:

    • User of the System:
      • Owner
      • Admin
      • Manager
      • Cashier
    • Items
      • Item list
      • Item name
      • Categories
      • Discounts
    • Employees
      • Employees list
      • Access Rights
    • Customers
    • Settings
      • System Settings
      • Store and POS Settings
  2. Process:

    • User Authentication
    • Transaction Processing
      • Accepting payments
      • Issuing receipts
      • Updating inventory
    • Payment Processing
      • Cash
      • Mobile payments
    • Void Transaction
  3. Generate:

    • Sales summary
    • Sales by item
    • Sales by category
    • Sales by employees
    • Sales by payment type
    • Receipts
    • Discounts
    • Shifts
  4. Monitor:

    • Owner
      • Sales Performance
      • Inventory Management
      • Employee Productivity
      • Customer Satisfaction
    • Admin
      • User Management
      • Data Security
    • Manager
      • Daily Sales
      • Inventory Status
      • Employee Management
      • Customer Service
    • Cashier
      • Payments
      • Receipts
      • Voids
