johnridesabike / coronate

A Swiss-style chess tournament management app.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
140 stars 22 forks source link

adding new player gives trouble #100

Open tissatussa opened 2 months ago

tissatussa commented 2 months ago

last monday at my chess club we did the next 3 rounds of our Rapid competition, for which i use your Coronate app .. it went well, although i had some awkward moment : adding a new player gave some trouble. I found a way to navigate this, but i think Coronate can be improved here.

to prepare a next round, one of the main things to do is selecting all members wanting to play : when i let the player list pop up, all players which did the previous round are still selected, which is logical and very convenient, so adjusting the checkboxes is a minimal effort. Also nice here, is your improvement to sort this list, by forename & family name, esp. when the list is long .. i searched the list for Albert, which wasn't there, probably he didn't play any round yet, so i wanted to add him, using the section at the bottom of that popup screen .. then i discovered he WAS in the list : his name isn't Albert, his family name is Alberts .. my bad, but i had just started to fill in the concerning name fields, and now i wanted to cancel the action .. however, this gave trouble : the app refused to leave fields empty and there's no cancel button .. red message boxes are shown to warn the user and i couldn't think of any way to proceed .. so i filled in a dummy name "test test" to circumvent this issue, planning to uncheck this new "player" and thus continue .. but after that, this "player" didn't appear in the list !? (but the red warning was gone) .. by experience i tried to close the player popup list and opened it again : now this "player" WAS in the list !

so, i propose you change this behaviour by (any of) these solutions :

i think the last option is most practical because the user will expect this. maybe you come up with another solution also ..

johnridesabike commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the report. It should refresh automatically, but it could have a bug preventing it. I'll take a look when I get a chance.