johnson-c / ColRadPy

Collisional-radiative python solver
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Ionization PECs? #17

Open cjperks7 opened 10 months ago

cjperks7 commented 10 months ago

Hey Curt, I noticed in how ColRadPy calculates PECs, i.e. when I use colradpy.write_pecs_adf15(), that the code only recognizes excitation of ion with charge Z, recombination from ion with charge Z+1, and sometimes charge exchange.

But, I know that in spectra I'm modeling there's a few very specific but important lines that are purportedly significantly populated by collisional ionization (ground or even innershell) from the ion with charge Z-1 to the excited state of interest.

I understand that recombination/ionization in atomic data files are organized by looking at ion Z and its relation to ion Z+1, so I'm not sure how much of an effort it would be to also give ColRadPy the Z-1 atomic data file to calculate ionization PECs. Thoughts on this?