johntitus / node-horseman

Run PhantomJS from Node
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Unhandled Rejection Error - Can't seem to catch this #326

Open NoelDavies opened 6 years ago

NoelDavies commented 6 years ago

I'm crawling a group of X pages on a site my employer has built, each page is a /show/{x} essentially. On some pages I get the below error (or a similar error), and some I don't.

Unhandled rejection Error at ClientRequest.<anonymous> (/path/to/global/node_modules_folder/node_modules/node-phantom-simple/node-phantom-simple.js:659:12) at emitOne (events.js:115:13) at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:210:7) at Socket.socketOnEnd (_http_client.js:435:9) at emitNone (events.js:110:20) at Socket.emit (events.js:207:7) at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1045:12) at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:102:11) at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:161:9)

By using the following Code: Note: You can see I've tried a number of thing to catch the errors or prevent them from occuring but I've had no luck, my guess is that it's running out of memory of something?

var Horseman = require('node-horseman');
const readline = require('readline');
const rl = readline.createInterface({
  input: process.stdin,
  output: process.stdout

let issuesThatCauseACrash = [15739, 15724];

var baseUrl = '';

rl.question('What base URL would you like use for this X page visitor? (' + baseUrl + ')', (answer) => {
  if (answer.length !== 0) {
    baseUrl = answer;

  } catch (err) {

var hg = {
    horseman: {},

    setup: function () {
        hg.horseman = new Horseman({
            timeout: 500000,
            cookiesFile: './cookies.txt',
            loadImages: false,
            diskCache: false,
            diskCachePath: './cache/'

    login: function () {
          .log('Opening login page')
          .open(baseUrl + '/login')
          .type('input#username', 'usernameHere')
          .type('input#password', 'passwordHere')
          .log('Logging in...')
          .open(baseUrl + '/')
          .html('#table-new-cases tbody tr td:first-child() a')
          .then((attribute) => {

    visitCase: function(caseId) {
        caseId = '' + caseId + '';
        var rawCaseId = '' + caseId.replace(/^BS/, '').replace(/^0+/, '');

            .log('Opening case ' + rawCaseId)
            .open(baseUrl + '/cases/' + rawCaseId)

                // .on('error', function (msg, trace) {
                //     console.log('error: ', msg, trace);
                // })
                        // .catch(function(e) {
                        //     console.log("horseman error: "+e);
                        // })
            // .log('Page opened, waiting for selector')
            // .log('found accordian')
            // .on('resourceReceived', (response) => {
            //  if (new RegExp(/newFrontEndPremium/).test(response.url)) {
            //      nextCaseId = rawCaseId - 1;

            //      if (nextCaseId > 0) {
            //          hg.visitCase(nextCaseId);
            //      }
            //  }
            // })
            .then(() => {
                nextCaseId = rawCaseId - 1;

                if (nextCaseId > 0) {
            // .status()
            // .then((statusCode) => {
            //  nextCaseId = rawCaseId - 1;

            //  if (nextCaseId > 0) {
            //      hg.visitCase(nextCaseId);
            //  }
            // })


it always dies on the .open().