johntruckenbrodt / pyroSAR

framework for large-scale SAR satellite data processing
MIT License
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Feature: Change detection in Polarimetric SAR Images #124

Open jjerphan opened 3 years ago

jjerphan commented 3 years ago


@h-sdl and I have implemented a small pipeline for change detection for polarimetric SAR images in python from [1].

In short, we can detect changes between two SAR and subclasses changes in the two images:

Example 1 Example 2

The best would be to known whether such a feature would be interesting to include in pyroSAR. We do not know this library that much and thus this needs discussions.

See our repository of the implementation:

See this original proposal of the method: [1] Advanced Methods for Change Detection in Multi-polarization and Very-High Resolution Multitemporal SAR Images. Davide Pirrone. PhD thesis, International Doctorate School in Information and Communication Technologies - University of Trento, 1 2019.

See the slides of the presentation of this method we made (in French):

johntruckenbrodt commented 3 years ago

Hi @jjerphan and @h-sdl, this looks great and I would really like to see this as part of pyroSAR. Thanks a lot for considering the integration! I am currently on leave until end of December, so the project is mostly on hold right now. Basically, I intend pyroSAR on one hand as API to SNAP and Gamma and on the other hand as platform for extending the functionality beyond that of those two software solutions. So integrating contributions like yours fits right into the plan. Once I am back in January we can discuss in detail if and how to integrate your code. In the meantime feel free to ask questions here or via email. If you decide to get going, feel free to create a new module (e.g. polarimetry), in a fork and eventually create a pull request. Once I am back I can then merge it and we can discuss how to integrate the code more deeply into the overall framework. Cheers, John

jjerphan commented 3 years ago

Once I am back in January we can discuss in detail if and how to integrate your code.

Ditto. Let's discuss it in January.


jjerphan commented 3 years ago

Hi @johntruckenbrodt,

Are you interested in discussing this feature some time in the coming days? 🙂

johntruckenbrodt commented 3 years ago

Hi @jjerphan and @h-sdl, all work is under control so I would be happy to start the discussion about this. How about we set up an online chat in the coming days? Could you send me a mail so I have your addresses and we can organize it?

Madwonk commented 3 years ago

Has any progress been made on this since January? This would be some awesome functionality to include into PyroSAR; I can take a look at the code and see if I can get it running with some of my geotiffs if y'all like.

jjerphan commented 3 years ago


Unfortunately, I got busy with others tasks lately and nothing was published yet (I started reimplementing it in Cython). Feel free to go!