johnwason / vcpkg-action

Simple vcpkg action to build and cache packages
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When I don't want to use the vcpkg installation package, with:pkgs: "", but report an error? #14

Open masx200 opened 1 year ago

masx200 commented 1 year ago

When I don't want to use the vcpkg to install package, with:pkgs: "", but report an error? I intend to install package for other vcpkg manually.

johnwason commented 1 year ago

I have no idea what you are asking.

There is an issue that error messages may not be displayed due to the temporary file capturing output. It will be fixed sometime using tee when I have a chance.

masx200 commented 1 year ago
Run export VCPKG_DEFAULT_BINARY_CACHE=/Users/runner/work/leetcode-test/leetcode-test/vcpkg_cache
  export VCPKG_DEFAULT_BINARY_CACHE=/Users/runner/work/leetcode-test/leetcode-test/vcpkg_cache
  "/Users/runner/work/leetcode-test/leetcode-test/vcpkg/vcpkg" install --dry-run --triplet    > vcpkg_dry_run.txt
  shell: /bin/bash --noprofile --norc -e -o pipefail {0}
    VCPKG_ROOT: /Users/runner/work/leetcode-test/leetcode-test/vcpkg
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.
masx200 commented 1 year ago
- name: vcpkg-action

              uses: johnwason/vcpkg-action@v4
                   token: ${{ github.token }}
                   triplet: x64-osx-release
                   pkgs: ''
johnwason commented 1 year ago

Can you try johnwason/vcpkg-action@master? It should print out an error message now.

MangaD commented 1 year ago

I have this exact same problem. The problem is that I previously used the vcpkg manifest file, but now I want to install the packages individually, while still keeping the vcpkg.json file in the project's root. vcpkg-action is picking this file and assuming manifest mode, thus giving an error. I only found out this was the case after doing what @johnwason instructed. The error is:

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name                                                                 
----                 -------------         ------ ----                                                                 
d-----         5/22/2023  11:47 PM                vcpkg_cache                                                          
error: In manifest mode, `vcpkg install` does not support individual package arguments.
To install additional packages, edit vcpkg.json and then run `vcpkg install` without any package arguments.
See for more information.
Using manifest file at D:\a\cpp-project-template\cpp-project-template\vcpkg.json.
    vcpkg install --triplet x64-windows
  --allow-unsupported             Instead of erroring on an unsupported port, continue with a
  --x-asset-sources=...           Add sources for asset caching. See 'vcpkg help assetcaching'.
  --binarysource=...              Add sources for binary caching. See 'vcpkg help binarycaching'.
  --x-buildtrees-root=...         (Experimental) Specify the buildtrees root directory.
  --clean-after-build             Clean buildtrees, packages and downloads after building each
  --clean-buildtrees-after-build  Clean buildtrees after building each package.
  --clean-downloads-after-build   Clean downloads after building each package.
  --clean-packages-after-build    Clean packages after building each package.
  --downloads-root=...            Specify the downloads root directory.
                                  (default: VCPKG_DOWNLOADS)
  --dry-run                       Do not actually build or install.
  --editable                      Disable source re-extraction and binary caching for libraries on
                                  the command line (classic mode)
  --enforce-port-checks           Fail install if a port has detected problems or attempts to use a
                                  deprecated feature
  --x-feature=...                 Additional feature from the top-level manifest to install
                                  (manifest mode).
  --head                          Install the libraries on the command line using the latest
                                  upstream sources (classic mode).
  --host-triplet=...              Specify the host architecture triplet. See 'vcpkg help triplet'.
                                  (default: 'VCPKG_DEFAULT_HOST_TRIPLET')
  --x-install-root=...            (Experimental) Specify the install root directory.
  --keep-going                    Continue installing packages on failure.
  --x-no-default-features         Don't install the default features from the top-level manifest
                                  (manifest mode).
  --no-downloads                  Do not download new sources.
  --no-print-usage                Don't print CMake usage information after install.
  --only-binarycaching            Fail if cached binaries are not available.
  --only-downloads                Make a best-effort attempt to download sources without building.
  --overlay-ports=...             Specify directories to be used when searching for ports.
                                  (also: 'VCPKG_OVERLAY_PORTS')
  --overlay-triplets=...          Specifiy directories containing triplets files.
                                  (also: 'VCPKG_OVERLAY_TRIPLETS')
  --x-packages-root=...           (Experimental) Specify the packages root directory.
  --recurse                       Allow removal of packages as part of installation.
  --triplet=...                   Specify the target architecture triplet. See 'vcpkg help triplet'.
                                  (default: 'VCPKG_DEFAULT_TRIPLET')
  --x-use-aria2                   Use aria2 to perform download tasks.
  --vcpkg-root=...                Specify the vcpkg root directory.
                                  (default: 'VCPKG_ROOT')
                                  Writes out a NuGet packages.config-formatted file for use with
                                  external binary caching.
                                  See `vcpkg help binarycaching` for more information.

Error: Process completed with exit code 1.

Is there any way to keep the file vcpkg.json and install the packages individually?

johnwason commented 1 year ago

@MangaD I think it is vcpkg itself picking up the manifest file rather than this action. Try adding -DVCPKG_MANIFEST_MODE=OFF to your cmake command line.

johnwason commented 1 year ago

Also the manifest-dir must be removed from the action config.

MangaD commented 1 year ago

@johnwason I removed the manifest-dir entry and also tried to set it to the empty string. Both attempts failed. Adding -DVCPKG_MANIFEST_MODE=OFF to the cmake command line will not fix the issue because I only invoke cmake after this action runs. But perhaps I may try setting this as an environment variable and see if it works for vcpkg-action. I'll let you know soon after my current action runs. :)

johnwason commented 1 year ago

Can you link me to the workflow file and the action log?

MangaD commented 1 year ago

Sorry, I deleted the action as I'm rewriting history as I attempt to solve this problem. The workflow file is temporarily available here:

johnwason commented 1 year ago

I have recreated the problem... I will see if I can fix it.

MangaD commented 1 year ago

I just tried setting the environment variable VCPKG_MANIFEST_MODE: OFF for this step, but it did not work.

johnwason commented 1 year ago

It appears that vcpkg will search the parent directory tree for vcpkg.json, and there is no easy way to disable this behavior. My suggestion is you check out the source in a src directory instead of having it check out to the root directory. This way vcpkg won't find the vcpkg.json file. I have found checking out the source in a subdirectory helps with a lot of other issues. This is a very complicated example but it shows how I use a source subdirectory: