johnwmillr / LyricsGenius

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add per_page parameter to song_annotations #245

Open marilenadaquino opened 1 year ago

marilenadaquino commented 1 year ago

TLDR: song_annotations returns only 10 results, I would like to get all annotations for a song.

I'm performing a text search on all Genius. I get a list of songs that somehow reference the term and I'd like to get alla annotations for these songs (since the term I searched is likely to be there). But the method ( returns only 10 results, which 99% of times do not include that very first term I've searched.

I'd like a parameter to specify how many results to return - and ideally also one for the pagination of results.

I could not find any docs on Genius how to do this with their API (I cannot even get the 10-result list from that API) Any help would be appreciated! Thank you in advance