johnynek / bosatsu

A python-ish pure and total functional programming language
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universally quantified functions fail when types are explicit #1023

Closed johnynek closed 1 year ago

johnynek commented 1 year ago


package A
enum Cont[a: *]:
  Item(a: a)
  Next(use: (Cont[a] -> a) -> a)
def map[a](ca: Cont[a], fn: a -> a) -> Cont[a]:
  Next(cont -> fn(cont(ca)))
# this fails if we write loop[a]
#def loop[a](box: Cont[a]) -> a:
def loop(box: Cont[a]) -> a:
  recur box:
    case Item(a): a
    case Next(cont_fn):
      cont_fn(cont -> loop(cont))
loopgen: forall a. Cont[a] -> a = loop
b: Cont[Int] = Item(1).map(x -> x.add(1))
main: Int = loop(b)

def loop(box: Cont[a]) -> a should work exactly like def loop[a](box: Cont[a]) -> a but somehow it fails.

The latter triggers Expr.Generic being created at the outer layer, which suggests that Expr.Generic has some bugs.