johnzero7 / XNALaraMesh

Blender addon Import/Export XPS Models, Poses
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Problem with bone rotation when exporting pose #94

Open edumail00 opened 2 years ago

edumail00 commented 2 years ago


I've been having the same problem for a while now. On Blender 2.82 I import a Pokémon Masters model in LMD format, and then I import an animation file onto it (also LMD format), which shows a nice pose on the viewport.

After that, I use the Export Pose function from XPS tools to create a pose file in which I rename the bones to work with the XPS 3D model I previously converted.

But when I import the pose file I've just worked on, the pose looks very messed up and not the same as the one that appeared in the Blender viewport.

Here is how it looks like.

However, I tinkered with the script and changed three lines that gave me better results. Thinking that this was mainly a problem of XYZ rotation, I modified lines 127, 128 and 137 on the

line 127 from y = -y to y = y

And lines 128 and 137 from newVec = Vector((x, z, y)) to newVec = Vector((x, y, z))

This is the result after these changes.

Again, I did get better results like that compared to before, but the legs, arms and wrists bones are still wrong, and other bones also show slight variation in rotation.

I think it's important to note that I DON'T change the rotation, position or size data in the bones of the pose file I exported, so renaming the bones is NOT the problem here.

Is there something I could do to get the exact pose that appears in the Blender viewport as a pose file?

Thanks in advance. 😄