johnzweng / bankomatinfos

Android NFC app for reading some infos from Austrian Bankomat Cards (Maestro banking cards).
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Why exactly is it focussed only on Austrian cards? #15

Open max-foss opened 6 years ago

max-foss commented 6 years ago

In Germany new Girocard with Maestro are issued with both schemes contactless, how about adding a check for the specific AID. It would allow the account number to be displayed.

johnzweng commented 6 years ago

Hi @gruenebanane!

To answer your question: because I live in Austria and own only these types of cards. :-)

At the time I started this project I had almost no knowledge about EMV or which AIDs are used where. I just started to play around and learned on the way more and more about EMV.

Please feel free to send a pull-request if you want to make useful additions. :)